So I just bought my first apartment with the help of this cute (and single) real estate agent. I think we connect well on a personal level and I like her. I asked her out on a “celebratory dinner” to thank her, she accepted and we will be meeting Saturday evening.

Assuming I think there really is a connection and I feel maybe she feels it as well, when is really the best time for me to ask her out on a real date? Should it be at during dessert or at end of that dinner, or the moment I walk her to her car or should it be the next day via text/phone?

  1. So first thing.. don’t assume she’s into you because she’s coming to the dinner. As this relationship is as of now a client/agent situation, she has a clear incentive to maintain good relations with you, so next time you want to buy a property or sell this one you go to her, this is a lot of money we are talking. So it’s likely she would go to dinner for many clients.

    That said, she may still genuinely be into you. If that’s the case, the best way to approach it is to have the dinner as planned, keep it chill and fun.

    A couple of days later after the dinner (assuming it went well), text her something like: “It was great to see you on DAY, I have some time free later this week so if you want to do it again, let me know ;)”

  2. Experienced salespeople are good at assessing people.

    But even so, I’d do a followup the day after and not on the same day, for asking her out on a proper date.

    (Naturally, you will want to have left a good impression during your celebratory dinner with her earlier.)

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