What makes man think highly of himself?

  1. Different things for each man.

    Some value their material goods, being able to afford them means he is successful; some value their skills in different things, being able to do something better than others is a nice feeing.

    Gonna have to get specific.

  2. It depends on the person. But a common one is usually seeing success in given areas relative to others.

  3. Competence.

    Generally in their preferred domain, but they’ll take it anywhere.

  4. Depends now much of a narcissist he is. If he’s fully blown narcissist just existing makes him think highly of himself even if he has to make up shit (lie) to be proud off.

    But for people who actually have something to be proud of, it might be their physical fitness, intelligence, or professional success…

  5. I think of all the things I have in life. My awesome family, my friend group and a roof over my head.

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