Would you shoot them both at the same time? One full magazine at the time? Or one shoot alternating between both them? I was having a heat conversation about it with a coworker.

  1. What kind of pistols? Do you have revolvers, semi automatics, fully automatic like a Glock? Are they both the same kind?

  2. Shooting both at the same time would be stupid. Imagine the recoil on both arms, plus you won’t be able to aim properly if you’re firing both.

    Use one until the bullets run out then swap to the second to have a full chamber ready to go.

  3. Alternating shots. It feels more natural and is way more bad ass.

    Now that I actually think about it though, I feel like it would be a lot easier to hit your shots if you just used one gun till empty, then switched to the next.

  4. I dunno, I want to say, Poorly, but my ego says, Id adapt. I imagine I would shoot with my left primarily, and intermittent fire with my right when a target primed to that side. Might need a brace on them both, otherwise theyd have to be light…maybe a 5.7×28? Id also like a beam on each because I cant imagine theres going to be a lot of sighting in targets playing two gunner.

  5. I’d empty the one in my left hand, throw it to the ground, switch the other to my left hand, and empty it too

    But really the best way is to just put the second one down and 2-hand the other

  6. You’d instantly realize how dumb it is and holster one pistol and operate one with 2 hands. The only thing shooting two sidearms at once is going to do is increase your rate of fire. Your accuracy and precision are going to go down a lot. It’s a lot easier to limp wrist the gun shooting it with one hand and limp wristing makes a gun more likely to jam. And clearing an active jam with a gun in your off hand is going to be a bitch. Even if you practiced doing it daily it wouldn’t be worth it.

    Also once both sidearms run out of ammunition, it’s going to take way too long to change out the mags in each gun to get them back online. By that point you’re already dead or dying. You’ve also lost an extra hand to pull out any other equipment because your non shooting hand has a gun in it now. So you’d have to holster it to get what you needed which would take precious time.

    However, I will answer your question anyways. You’d want to alternate guns instead of firing them at the same time. It gets you time to reset that hand and make sure the firearm is pointed and positioned the way it should while you fire the other one.
    In real life you should be able to “reset” almost instantaneously after a shot, so in theory you could do the same with two guns at the same time. But like I said, I still think it’s a really dumb idea.

  7. I would retain positive control of one in my waistband or a holster, then use both hands on the other to provide a stable firing platform. I’d seek cover and concealment and direct accurate fire with the pistol until I ran out of ammunition, at which point I’d swap pieces.

  8. Alternating shots. Trying to aim two guns at once is nearly impossible. You just have to angle the guns slightly inward to use your dominant eye to split the difference of there the bullet will go.

  9. Assuming I can’t stuff one in a holster and have to be holding both in my hands at all times, aim and fire the one in my right hand ’til it’s empty, then exchange it with the full one in my left hand and repeat.

  10. Alternating shots. This allows for longer engagement for suppressing fire while maintain decent accuracy.

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