I got hit really hard in my groin a few days ago and have been neglecting seeing the doctor. I was asking my girlfriend instead if she could see it because to be honest I was scared and I don’t like touching them all that much. Girlfriend said no as they’re gross and started laughing, when she saw me shocked by her response only then she said she’ll have a look. Turns out they’re very swollen and I feel nauseous a lot of the time especially when getting up or sitting down.

I know all balls and penises look weird, I admit that but up to this point I honestly thought she really liked how I look naked. I really love how her boobs, vag and butt look I always compliment her and when I do I can tell she loves it. They’re the most beautiful thing I’ve seen and I’m so thankful she shares them with me. Yet she doesn’t like my parts I don’t really know what to think, is she even that into me? My ex girlfriend always said she loved my penis and she named my balls squishy 1 and 2, I sort of really miss being with someone like that. Call me crazy but I thought when you really love someone you love everything about them, like I do for her but maybe she doesn’t feel the same about me.

  1. I think yur taking too personally. For the most part girls just view guys parts differently then yu view ours..it doesn’t mean she finds yu less attractive, like some girls may be more into it than others, and some parts may “look better” than others but for the most part it’s just viewed as something used for sex not something most girls want to look at to get turned on if that makes sense. I wouldn’t overthink it or take offense.

  2. Women dont love the same that men love. They have a dog they love than the other, they love one child more than the other and there are things you can do as a man to make then never look at you the same again – namely, be weak, vulnerable or pathetic, aka un-manly.

    I know that’ll piss off a lot of women, but you’ll find that to be true eventually and in general.

    If she had asked you to do the same, you may have felt the same, but you wouldn’t have said anything.

  3. Go to the doctor! If you’re still having pin and swelling, something could be SERIOUSLY wrong. Like lose your testicles wrong. You should have gone as soon as possible.

  4. >I thought when you really love someone you love everything about them, like I do for her but maybe she doesn’t feel the same about me.

    I don’t think this is a really healthy expectation of love. Love is more about caring about someone as a whole rather than liking every individual thing. It’s normal to not like *everything* about your partner, and understanding that is important in being able to discuss serious topics when something is happening in your relationship that you don’t like

    That being said, I think her reaction was incredibly immature and it’s reasonable that you’d feel hurt by this because you trusted her with something that made you feel vulnerable and she literally added insult to injury. After you see a doctor about your injury (like others have said, it is **urgent** that you do this), it might be good to sit down and talk to her about how her reaction made you feel, and how you can avoid similar situations in the future

  5. You should take the energy here and get your balls to medical attention.

    Once that is cleared up, then you can revisit the subject of whether you should date this person.

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