what’s the most expensive piece of garment you’ve ever bought?

  1. recently dropped about 800 on a good charcoal suit, needed one for business and formal events, charcoal is the most versatile suit color after all

  2. Suit.

    I’ve bought three in my life.

    $350 for my first
    $300 for my second
    $500 for my current one.

    It’s servicable , nothing overly fancy, wool blend. Works for funerals, court, and weddings.

    Besides that I have a pair of Redwing Boots that cost $320 but the company paid for em

  3. $775 (CAD)for a single garment. I saw a leather winter jacket once walking by a boutique with my then GF that I certainly didn’t need, but it was just so appealing to my eye that I decided to go in and try it on. I had up to this point been a totally thrift store type, and this joint was full of high end clothing. The person working ran right over, chatted me up, and when I said I wanted to try it on, she eyeballed me and disappeared out back. The one she came out with fit me like it had been custom tailored for me; and I had never worn anything in my life that felt so well made. I waged full on internal war over it, and after 15 minutes, bought it. Wore it for twelve years, and then donated it because it didn’t fit anymore. Despite wearing it over a decade almost every day in the winter, it still looked “gently worn”. That was my biggest lesson in “Buy one that will last, not one that is cheap” that will stick with me until I’m gone.

  4. Bought a Burberry blazer some years ago, payed something like $450 and it was off. Kinda regret it but what can I do now..

  5. I spent $90 on pants to rock climb in and they shredded in a year. I shop in the clearance now

  6. Everyone is saying suits, and I own one but I bought it on sale combined with a coupon. It’s a nice suit but my 90% wool hunting jacket cost more.

  7. I’m going to take this as expensive relative to what I’d normally pay rather than just total cost.

    Mine is $100 for a Tilley hat. Don’t regret it one bit

  8. i ordered a 800 dollar pair of boots out of washington.
    still waiting on them, rhe company is swamped in orders and handmaking boots takes time

  9. probably just suits.

    I’m not big on fashion of clothing. for me comfort is everything. so, like never paid more than 60 bucks or so for shoes, most shirts and that i’ll buy clearance or whatever. suits are the only thing that can get expensive. however, typically one or two can last you….forever lol.

  10. $1250 Kokatat drysuit.

    Fortunately it was a warranty replacement for a much less expensive drysuit, so technically I didn’t “buy” it.

  11. For nicer shoes I’ll typically spend upwards of $500. If we’re talking shirts probably a few hundred. Suits I think I spent $1500 on my last one which was over a year ago

  12. I have some $350 leather boots. They’re nice, and they’ll probably last a long time. But they’re not my most favorite footwear.

  13. For myself? Probably a suit in the neighborhood of $750.

    For someone else? A $1,500 purse for my wife.

  14. Depends on how we’re defining garments.

    I own a couple pairs of shoes that were in the realm of $200 (‘minimalist’ zero-drop thin-sole leather boots), if those count.

    Outside that, my kilts are like $80 a pop.

  15. An old school coat, like one of those they wear in Peaky Blinders, 500 CHF but worth every penny

    Edit to add, my Ski outer shell was actually more expensive at around 1.3k CHF, but I kinda don’t count that as a garment, but again, worth every penny and I’ll still be wearing it once (if) I have grandchildren

  16. Redwings: $350 for the best pair of boots I’ve ever fucked up at work.

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