I recently had a difficult conversation with someone that I thought was a close friend and one of the things they mentioned about me was how whenever I met their friends, most of them described me as giving off “serious/depressing/somber” vibes. After the conversation I asked other close friends and they all agreed that minimally I am one of their more serious friends. I admit that I am much more of a one on one person and so in large groups, people I don’t know, or other similar environments I become much more introverted and quiet. I try not to have a stern face but I suppose it can be more serious countenance. Im not aiming to be everyones friend, but I just want to be more approachable and initially likable to help make more friends or for career purposes.

Some reasons why I think I may be more serious is to not look stupid or a pushover, my smile is very unattractive. If I wanted to be more reflective its probably a build up of being physically alone a lot in my life and having to build a large wall as defense mechanisms for all the stupid stuff kids said when growing up. Or also on the opposite end to ensure that my word has meaning and isn’t just something I said but holds weight and truth to what I think.

  1. Start watching standup. A lot of them have very similar problems, they had to learn to be funny. And if worked.

    Now, actually smiling for the camera or mirror? I scare myself. But after learning to be funnier, I found I could be less stiff in public.

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