On the bottom of my debit card is my account number and sort code, I don’t feel comfortable having it visible.

If I cut that part off will the card still work in a chip and pin machine. The silver square and magnetic strip are near the top of the card.

I ask as concern if someone pinches it or I lose it, can’t they then set up a direct debit etc

  1. Why don’t you feel comfortable having it visible? What you think someone can do with your account number and sort code.
    The best bet would be to use your phone to pay and leave the card at home. Or go to a bank where you don’t have the numbers on your card.

  2. What do you think is going to happen by having your account number and sort code on your card?

    At that rate, might as well remove your name, card number and the CVC on the back…

  3. Try it and find out, then let us know.
    Your courage and philanthropy will be a glowing beacon to all who are uncomfortable flashing their sort codes.

  4. They can’t do anything with the sort code and account number. It’s the long number, signature and CVV code you need to protect.

  5. If you don’t feel comfortable with the numbers visible you’d be better for our sanity to not have a bank card.

    There’s scary things like contactless reader scams, as well as cash point cloning.

  6. I have a little card wallet that handily exposes the chip but not my name or details.

  7. If you’re that scared of it, get a Chase account. Their cards have no number on the front or the back and everything is available on their app.

    You’re very worried but it’s not something you should concern yourself with. American Express credit cards have the card number and security code on the front of the card, and I’ve had no issues with it.

  8. Who is it visible to? It should never leave your possession.

    You could consider just putting a sticker over it if you’re worried. If you have a label maker you could use some of the label strip.

  9. You could always bank with NatWest, pretty sure their cards don’t include the sort code.

  10. I’ve worried about cards being stolen and used for contactless purchases but the bank app lets me turn it off instantly and notified of every purchase and this is with an cheapo reconditioned android (£90) because I’m always loosing / breaking phones

  11. Could try putting a bit of tape over it. And then immediately cancel your card if you lose it.

  12. Direct debits aren’t a concern, if someone sets up a fraudulent direct debit you just tell your bank and they immediately cancel it and refund your money. I’ve done this once before when a company failed to cancel a membership due to incompetence and continued to charge the direct debit.

  13. Probably won’t work if you cut that out. Will definitely kill contactless as the antenna for that runs around the outside of the card.

    There are alternative cards like Curve where you can link your bank card and use that instead of your main card. Or some providers don’t put card numbers on the card at all like Chase (which I’d much prefer also).

    It’s at least easy to remove the CVC number on the back so someone can’t write down your card details when you’re not looking and use it online (mostly).

  14. The long card number is usually the one to be worried about rather than the sort code and account number. I understand you have blocked online payments from the card number so that’s fine, so I guess it’s just the contactless that could be used in your case.

    The sort and account number may be used to set up a direct debit if they have your address. But even then the first payment is usually a few weeks to a month and by that time hopefully you would have noticed it being set up or even been notified it has been set up by the bank and you can simply cancel it.

    Maybe get a credit card for your purchases and leave the debit at home. You’ll have extra protection as well and just pay it off each month before any interest is charged.

  15. Contactless will not work because they have a small antenna that loops around the outside in them. Some banks don’t put the account number on the card – maybe you could change to them if it’s important to you? Alternatively, you can use a credit card.

    But honestly, knowing your acc number won’t help a lot. Yeah, you could be signed up to a Direct Debit but you’re covered by the DD debit guarantee and not liable for payments you did not authorise. Also, what are they gonna do? Sign you upto Netflix? The bigger worry is the rest of your card – doubly so if it’s contactless.

  16. I think you need to get some help with your anxiety /intrusive thoughts. I saw your other post about how to not let things get to you. I don’t know if you’re already seeing someone about it but it might help to chat to your doctor.

  17. Reading through the comments, this has to be a troll.

    There’s no way a real person is this paranoid.

  18. 1) There is a direct debit guarantee, if one is setup fraudulently then you are entitled to a full refund of any debits taken, by your bank.
    2) You’re more likely to get scammed using a contactless reader but these are rare, if you’re worried about this then get one of the many wallet which protect against this.
    3) If you’re worried about transactions without you noticing, most banking apps allow instant transaction notifications, this means you will see any transactions as they happen so you can block your card (using the app) as soon as you see the transaction.

    You’re worrying for no reason (coming from someone who does worry), the chances of someone stealing your card details and using them without you knowing is very slim.

  19. Don’t do it.

    Literally the worst someone can do is set up a direct debit – and then, as someone has done it without your permission, you are covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme and the bank has to refund the money to you.

    There’s such a miniscule chance of it happening that it’s not worth attacking your card for.

    But if you’re really worried, get a Starling account. Their cards dont have this info on.

  20. Those numbers aren’t meant to be secret, you give them out to anyone who needs to pay you and similarly if you’ve got a cheque book they’ll be printed on every cheque you give someone.

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