When I visit my parents I use whatever shampoo they have on the go, and I always think, “Ooh, that’s made my hair really nice” and I buy some of the same brand when I get home, but it never has the same effect. Does anyone else get this? It’s not just the effect of intermittently switching to a different product, because I’ve tried that at home. Could it be the different water? My parents are on limestone, so very very hard water.

  1. Yes, it’s the water. My hair is shinier in soft water areas (but those areas are rainier, so there is a frizz factor as well).

  2. Hard water is worse on my hair as it’s abundant, dead straight and very fine. Sadly I live in limescale central

  3. I’m only in this thread to find out where in the country I can have a good hair day.

  4. Yes! My mum has soft water and I have perfectly behaved hair there. Usually I have very unruly hair when I wash in my hard water.

  5. You can get a set up to add calcium to your water supply. My partner used to have a private water supply on the remote west coast of Scotland, the water was so soft it rotted the pipes in double quick time so he got a set up which both sterilised the water with UV and ran it through a cylinder packed with chalk to take the edge off it. Perhaps you could try that to emulate the limestone.

  6. I’m in Suffolk in a relatively hard water area, and when I go to Scotland I am always amazed at how soft my hair is, just wonderful.

  7. I definitely believe location affects your hair.

    I used to live abroad in a sunny country and my hair was literally spun gold. I’m not exaggerating.

    Since moving back to the U.K. my hair is gross. I have frizzy Viking hair. ( I’ve always used the same products)

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