Hi everybody, wasn’t really sure where to post this so hope this works on this sub. So, I (20 F) met a guy (18 M) at a party about two weeks ago. I instantly felt a sort of connection with him and we hung out for most of the night. I admit I was probably being a little cringey looking back, at one point I was basically cuddling with him on the couch. We weren’t exactly sober but it didn’t feel weird. Maybe it was weird to do, I don’t know. But I felt really comfortable with him. Anyways, we’ve been talking since then, texting and calling and I’ve been having a really great time. We have a really similar sense of humor and I find myself getting really consumed in our conversations, which is nice because I haven’t had that for a long time.

But I’ve been getting worried that maybe he’s not as nice as I think lately. We were texting I asked him his opinion on two of my outfits, and asked him which one he liked better. He said he liked the second outfit more (I had sent him pictures) then we were talking about what we both liked about it, and he said “anyways second outfit is differently better” and It just rubbed me the wrong way, because I don’t understand why he couldn’t just stop at telling me he liked the second one. Then, today I posted a picture of my outfit to my social media and he commented on it, and said “get a lil bow tie with that ma’am” he also used the star eyes emoji, so it wasn’t like he was being aggressive. Then he added “outfit is cool though” I just feel like he could have complimented the outfit and said it would look good with that, rather than put it that way. I feel childish as hell and don’t know if I’m overthinking this. I just feel like the way he phrased both of those comments were kind of unnecessary Please let me know if I’m just being really dumb here, because I’ve been in a lot of bad friendships and I feel like I’m really trying to look out for bad signs out of fear of getting hurt. I also struggle a lot socially and feel like I don’t understand certain things. I know it may sound dumb but I’d really appreciate some opinions on this.

  1. You asked his opinion then get put off when he says the second is definitely better? Why? You literally asked. And he gave you an honest answer. He is young so maybe he hasn’t learnt the correct answers yet. “You look absolutely amazing in both”. Lmao

  2. well, texts don’t show the emotions behind them correctly sometimes. maybe he was just joking around and didn’t have rude or agressive intentions. as you said, you felt comfortable with him face to face. he must be different when he’s texting. i think you should wait and observe his attitude a bit more (in real life if that’s possible), rather than jumping into conclusion. that would give you a clearer idea about his behaviour.

  3. based on what you’ve described in the post and comments i think you’re overthinking every slight way he phrases something

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