I have been dating her for 1 year and 3 months now, We recently got into an argument. (We argue like 10 times a month) In this argument, I could see her lack of care, so I asked her “Do you want to even be with me anymore” and she said nothing. She then ended up telling me she didn’t care about the relationship anymore. It never used to be this way, she constantly tells me how I have changed, I know I’m not the best guy at times but I really do try for her, I do mostly everything she asks of me to do. It really sucks because I’m so fucking in love with her, I really don’t want to lose her, but she doesn’t feel the same about me. I’m so fucking scared that she’s going to end it. We had another argument about a month ago, where I told her I was done with the relationship she turned her head and pretty much didn’t give a fuck. This really sucks and I’m terrified to be alone again. I need some help. She seriously means everything to me. I know I seem like a huge simp but all I ask is for some kind, of advice. Thank you


TLDR: Wondering how I can make my relationship better and advice on staying in the relationship or trying to get over her.

  1. Sorry man. It sounds like the relationship has run its course. From what she has said, it isn’t about what kind of boyfriend you have been, or how much you love her, so there is nothing you can do. The spark isn’t there. She has literally told you that she “doesn’t care” about your relationship. Do you really want to stay with someone who doesn’t care about you? You are 17, you will find someone else.

    It’s scary to be alone but its still far better to be alone and single, than in a relationship with someone who doesn’t care about. Its tough, but you need to respect yourself and move on.

  2. Just break up. You should not be arguing “10 times a month” with your partner. That is not a healthy relationship. And she has literally told you she doesn’t want to be with you.

    She is not magically going to turn around and change. Just end things so you can be happy.

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