So my partner and I bought a house last year and since rates have gone up we decided we need a roommate to help pay the mortgage.
We put an ad out and the only response was from a female friend from his old friend group.
For a bit of background all my previous partners either cheated on me or left me for an ex, this girl isn’t an ex but someone who has had romantic relations with a fair amount of the guys from the same friend group (she’s never shown interest in my partner though as far as I’m aware).
I whole heartedly trust my partner but the idea of her living with us makes me super uncomfortable.
I’ve never gotten along with her despite trying to build a friendship when we all first met, we made plans once and she just never turned up.
My partner says we have no choice and need the money, I say we need to think of other options as I don’t want to feel uncomfortable in my own home.
If she did live with us, what are some reasonable boundaries I can put in place?

My partners points are that he’s never ever been interested in her or ever felt like she’s made a pass at him or shown interest either. He’s happy to do what he can to make me feel more comfortable with the situation.

Edit** she posts very sexual half naked photos on Instagram and is very generically pretty. Hence the ease at getting so many different partners in the friend group.

  1. It is not about the platonic relationship. It is other conflicts this will cause when you are not comfortable.

  2. Don’t be insecure but also don’t be dumb. So if the signs are there then it’s a no go. But if it’s you’re mind playing tricks on you from not trusting him for some reason then try it out.

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