My ex and I have been done with one another for almost two years now. We didn’t end on the best terms, but we also did not end on good terms either.

I reached out to him months ago apologizing about my part in our failed relationship and we almost tried to test the waters, but I shut it down, not wanting to go through it again.

I called him almost three weeks ago, no answer. Which I expected and I respected, and left him alone.

A few days ago he calls me out of the blue. He said he didn’t answer because he was tied up into something and forgot to call me back. But just thought about calling me now.

He’s doing really well for himself now and I couldn’t be happier for him. The conversation was pretty generic, no touching on anything serious. But I did notice him mention he’ll be in my city (he moved away a year after we broke up) sometime this month, that night. He didn’t hint at anything, just made it known he’ll be here.

He’s even gone so far to re-add me on Facebook (I deleted him), liked my pictures and sent me a message about how fine I look now.

To me it feels like he wants to hook up, because he thinks he can. Like, he only called me and is making an effort because he found out his conference will be taking place close by my city and he’ll be dropping by afterwards. Am I looking too deep into it to you guys?

  1. i think so. but if its ur instinct i would trust that. only you kno this guy and how much you trust him. if you think itll do you good to see him, see him. if not, dont. go with what ur heart says and it wont let you down. there has to be a reason you called him randomly a couple weeks ago and a reason hes calling you now. whatever that reason is, you’ll figure it out

  2. This could go either way honestly, you need to talk to him and see what intentions are there and use your own judgement

  3. You’re just as guilty as he is of testing the waters. Why are you even friends with this guy? Just close the chapter and move on.

  4. Sounds like it is a booty call, he is only going to be in the area due to work, so he probably isn’t looking for anything romantically, also is he even single, many men cheat when on work trips. Find out what his intentions are, because if just a booty call then don’t let him use you like that.

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