As the title says Im looking to be educated on the risks of using the combination of condom +pulling out. I am a very paranoid person as I have had past experiences with false scares (to rope me back into relationships) so even the thought of a tiny chance scares me. Any advice will be much appreciated

  1. That’s safe. Obviously just make sure there’s no hole in the condoms before. Always blow on the condom packet before using it (don’t blow on the condom itself duh)

  2. Make sure to grab the condom at the base of your penis and pull yourself with the condom still on.

  3. Condoms are meant to be protective. There’s a very minuscule chance of them failing.
    Pulling out, while not as effective as it is all about your willpower overcoming your need to blow inside, is also protective.
    Combining them just means that when you ejaculate, you’ll shoot into a latex wrap, outside of the vagina.

    Personally I don’t think you need to go that far. But to answer your question, it’s 200% safe.

    That being said, put the condom on, sleep with her on “safe days”, and try not to overthink it. Safety is sexy (and super important), but if you hyper focus on it, then neither of you are focused on the pleasure, just the risk. Focus on your partner, enjoy each other, breathe. You’re ok, mah dude.

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