Im a guy, and a month and a bit ago I met up with a guy for the first time and all we did was have him finger my ass a bit, and I gave him a handjob. He didn’t cum, I did, and I haven’t been sexually active for a few years before that. I didn’t kiss him but he kissed my body a few times. He said he was clean, but obviously you can’t necessarily take someone at their word for it. I haven’t had any symptoms of anything, and took a blood test after 3 weeks and did a chlamydia/gonorrhoea test after 2 weeks. All negative so far, but what should I realistically be worried about or thinking about? When can I kiss people again, and even have sex? When I look at resources, they aren’t clear and some places mention fluids need to be exchanged and others don’t for the same viruses, so I’m just a bit lost. I’m going to test again 3 months after the fact too, but just wanted to know what I’m worrying about, generally. Thanks

  1. It doesn’t seem like there was any penetration except for the finger involved. Was there a blow job?

    I any case your standard std check should do.

    Just remember use a condom for bjs as well.

  2. this is a joke right…you can’t get an sti from being fingered…
    don’t worry about it… this is why fear mongering in sex Ed doesn’t work.
    (obviously unless you had an open wound on your vagina and he had an open wound on his finger, then you could get hpv, but that’s extremely unlikely)

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