I was diagnosed two years ago when I was 18 after having forced sex with a man. I’ve been in a relationship since with some one whose had no issue with it, and is still negative. I’ve disclosed to a handful of people prior who all were supportive and didn’t care, except for my mom lol. But I’ve realized lately I may not be the happiest in this relationship and it might end eventually. I’m quite nervous about telling potential partners, or negative reactions. I need reassurance that this isn’t life ending and people have been able to have normal sex lives. FYI I am on medication It’s ghsv and I’m asymptomatic

  1. You know any guy worthy of your time, should be worthy of everything you are. Be it good or bad. So I’d see it as a way to weed out the flakes and people that just want to use you for sex.

    Which in itself is actually pretty awesome because now the bar is set higher. He is going to have to be an amazing, caring and understanding dude to get with you.

  2. So sorry that happened to you. I know two long-term partners who take all precautions and have not infected the other.

    So with medication and sound prevention, it’s manageable.

    Plus a ton of people have it, so we should be kind to each other on this issue.

    Sorry about your mom, sometimes family members can’t get out of the way of their own problems and support us like they should.

    I can’t talk to my family about my life, they just shut down or get upset 🤷‍♂️

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