Please help! I met someone on Bumble who I talk to on the phone for weeks, and when we finally met it was literally mutually magical. After our hangout, she wouldn’t let me go that night. Now I am ghosted.

She was so sad and almost cried that I had to leave that night, it’s because I had to be up at work at 5 AM. The following day we spoke a few times she was only in town until the following Wednesday. She was going to stay over at my place Monday and Tuesday before she left. I sent her breakfast through Uber eats the following day and texted quite a bit… I think the texting is what essentially turned her off.

I live in Los Angeles, and she lives in San Francisco. She was visiting family and invited me over to her house when no one was there… We had probably the best sex either one of us ever had, She was about to cry when I was leaving after spending about 5 hours together.

I feel super attached because we knew so much about one another. Her friend came to visit the following day and she was kind of distant, but would still FaceTime in the evenings. We met on a Monday and I texted her a bunch through Sunday (mostly a bunch of cute things). We were supposed to meet Monday night and on Sunday she replied saying “that she moved forward her flight, we’re not gonna be able to meet because things have been too intense”… Prior to that everything was literally perfect. She blocked me on everything and I don’t know what I can do.

She even mentioned how she wants my to be her date at a wedding in Mexico.

She portrayed herself as not being someone to casually hook up… But maybe since she was on travel she did she did want something casual? She did mention she was looking for someone long-term is what she told me. At the end, she did tell me I was spectacular in bed :/

I also think she has an anxious-avoidant attachment style.

Does anyone have any advice I feel lost right now :/

Anything except “she was just looking for a one night fling will help”

  1. So, love bombing is when you give someone a SHIT ton of affection all at once in hopes they stay. While I think you genuinely had a connection, she might have perceived the relationship as unhealthy due to how quickly it was escalating, and might’ve thought you were trying to love bomb. If she blocked you on everything, it means she does not want to hear from you. I’m sorry because it does sound amazing

  2. The hyperbolic way on which you have described you and this woman’s connection sounds love bombing to me, as u/SoleIbis mentioned. All those heighten emotions for someone you have just met (crying, best sex evar…) The love bombing coming from both of you.

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