Brothers of Reddit, how would you prefer to die?

  1. Like they do to dogs knock me unconscious then give me a heart stopping medication

  2. Well, for most, you only get to do it once. Give me the full experience. If it doesn’t hurt I’m going to be disappointed.

  3. Succumbing to blood loss on a pile of my slain enemies having bought my loved ones time to escape. But realistically I’m gonna die pulling some dumbass hillbilly shit involving reckless behavior and alcohol.

  4. Skydive without a chute while on alot of heroin (I’ve never done heroin before)

  5. As long as I get last rites and a lot of diazepam, the details are probably unimportant.

  6. Richard Pryor said it best about talking to a woman that his dad was having sex with when he passed. He told her he died in your pussy, if there were 2 lines waiting to get into heaven one for guys hit by a bus and the other dying while having sex, I am going to be in that long mother fucking line from dying while getting pussy.

    Honestly I think I will go quietly in my sleep, at least I hope it happens that way so I don’t know it’s happening or feel anything.

  7. With my partner on top of me with me still inside her post-completion after an amazing evening!

  8. “Preferably with a belly full of wine and some beautiful woman’s mouth around my cock.”

  9. Morbid. I know… but I’m a firefighter and I often dream of walking into a house, falling through a floor into a basement full of fire.

    Probably should scare me. But it just makes me be more careful.

    And for whatever reason, you can decide… I would prefer to die in a fire. 🔥

  10. My current plan is that I want to be 85 years young and to be shot by a jealous husband!!

  11. First contact. Humans finally discover an alien race. Turns out they’re hostile. They’re coming for our shit. Find a Gundam. Turns out I’m the only one on Earth who can pilot it. I’m fucking shit up. They call their giant mother ship in for a final attack. Our military useless. Cue epic orchestral score coming from….somewhere. Bruised and battered I fight my way through the labyrinth of seemingly infinite forces. Destroy the ships core. Massive explosion. Humanity saved. Scene.

  12. in a rocking chair on the porch of my ranch watching the sunset with a final glass of scotch in my hands knowing i’ll finally be joining my brothers in the afterlife along with knowing that my family is probably better off with me gone.

  13. *I’m a pilot*
    My dream would be to slam my plane into the side of a barn, kind of like the guys from Secondhand Lions. Like just me and a buddy who are ready to go, and we’re just having a good time

    -honestly I just want to die doing something I love-

  14. I believe when we’re dead that’s it, like a sleepless dream. So I’m hoping to live long enough to attain some kind of “immortality pill”.

    Millions of years from now if we’re still stuck on this planet, getting swallowed by the sun is an acceptable why to go.

  15. Tortured for a very long time. That way I can die physically how I lived mentally.

  16. In my bed, when I’m 80. With a belly full of wine and a girls mouth around my cock.

    Please someone get that reference

  17. Standing up to a gang pretending to pull a gun on them so that they shoot me. They end up going to jail and I save the neighborhood. My time was reaching its end anyways, but I went out on my own terms. That would make my day punk.

  18. I have a certain sexual fetish…it’s a fetish that could theoretically lead to me dying. I won’t get into it here. ButI’d like to live out that fetish and then die as a result of satisfying it…

  19. I just wanna go out with my boots on. I don’t care the general situation. Just don’t let me go out a useless old man in a bed.

  20. Like my grandfather.

    He just went out for a walk in the woods, sat down on a tree stump, and died quietly and peacefully.

  21. Right after great sex.

    A buddy of mine is a doctor and was at a medical conference with a few hundred other docs from around the country. The presenter was talking about dying in your sleep and ended the presentation by saying something like “and we can conclude this is the best way to die.”

    Without missing a beat someone in the back yelled, “Second best way!”

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