Ladies, what are a few good beauty/healthy/hygienic tips you learned?

  1. Always use spf
    Always use a pH balanced intimate wash
    Drink plenty of water

  2. today i let one my friends know i like to apply a bit of vaseline to my inner elbows and wrists (especially after a shower) and apply perfume to wake up smelling good af the next day and she had no idea that was a thing!

    vaseline locks in the scent and makes it last longer—save that money, girl

    perfumes are expensive!

  3. I learned if you deal with lots of pimples to change your pillow case every night

  4. When getting out of the shower, pat your skin dry instead of rubbing yourself dry. And then apply lotion on the skin while it’s still somewhat damp to lock in moisture. I have eczema and dry skin and this has been so helpful to my skin. Also, if you have oily skin, you STILL need a moisturizer.

  5. * Showers don’t necessarily need to be every day.
    * Showers are better for your skin (and hair) if they’re not super hot.
    * Many hair types will benefit from less frequent washing.
    * Pimple patches are the, especially if you’re prone to skin picking.

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