I’m a straight woman and I’m very sexually attracted to men… but only with their clothes on. The idea of having sex with a naked man just does nothing for me. I don’t mind being naked myself, but I’d enjoy it much more if my partner was wearing clothes. I don’t know if this is some kind of fetish or just a preference, but I wouldn’t risk asking a partner to keep his clothes on because it would sound like an insult. Anyone else have this problem?

  1. It’s not a problem, just a sexual preference! A good partner would understand that.

  2. On the topic of risk, I think maybe you should. As long as you explain this as you did here, I think someone reasonable will be understanding.

  3. I’m a bi woman and I’ve always found arousing only female bodies, male body just don’t quite do it for me. Yet I still have a man and I have sex with him and it’s great. It’s just not the body that turns me on. I wouldn’t be discouraged if I was you, seems you just also don’t find bodies themselves attractive which is totally fine, sex with a person you desire emotionally and mentally could be still great.

  4. Maybe your a lesbian? What about female bodies?

    Because if your attracted to naked women but not naked men then your lesbian

  5. I feel the exact same way, its always been like this for me, and I don’t know why.

    I am back to dating after a long marriage, my husband knew this, and it was great because it was not a problem, but now going out on a date, how do I say this? I have tried different things to get men to keep their clothes on during sex, because I might not be in the mood if he gets naked.

    To make things even more complicated, I have to be naked to do anything sexual with a guy, even if is just a blowjob while he is dressed, I have to be naked, with the exception of lingerie and maybe high heels, those type of things im fine with, but my mood is different when I am nude, than when im not.

    I think this might be another issue that came from growing up in a very religious environment.

  6. I feel sort of the same way. Not fully clothed, but I like a little boxer action lol. I think it’s just the mystery of it. Leaves something to the imagination. I find nakedness to be very boring in a way.

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