It’s been a year she hasn’t felt that much of sexual temptation
She just doesn’t feel horney that much.Sometimes she does but then it just goes away.
I waited, tried to console her. Tried to do different things to spice up a little but nothing seems to work. She doesn’t feel that much horney anymore.
1)There was a time when she was almost super crazy about these things, she couldn’t even control herself. So clrearly she isn’t asaxual.
2) She’s a virgin so we really haven’t done that yet but did everything except.
3)Breaking up isn’t an option for me.
Thanks in advance

  1. Does your girl on birth control bro because birth control can really screw up your sex drive…. I had my ex-girlfriend that was on birth control and after about 3 years she just totally lost her sex drive got off of birth control and about 3 to 4 months later it came back and she was one horny mother f*****..

  2. Well u can be a vergin on birth control … A lot of ppl do it to chill there period so they don’t bleed like a mad house …

  3. Try different foods there’s a lot of food that can lower it as well .. and a lot of food with time that can help . I tryed this on my gf the one time … Spoed haveing crap food around and only things that would help . After about a month or two I could see the difference .. just 8se Google it was like 3byears a go I did this …

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