He will always put a blanket over my face when we have sex or i give him head. Is he not attracted to me anymore?

EDIT: no it wasn’t always like this

  1. Yikes. Sounds like it though you won’t know until you ask him why he covers your face every time. Pretty strange thing to do to your girlfriend.

  2. Don’t want to frighten you but it can be the sign of very bad things. Ask him but it sounds very respectless. Stop giving head, let him go down on you and cover him, see how he likes it.

  3. Try communicating to him. Ask him why he covers your face. But if I’m being honest this doesn’t look healthy in a relationship. If he has no reason to do that then I suggest braking up with him.

  4. Uhhhh I would not like that. Do you like it? Does it bother you? Have you asked him about it? I have never had someone do that to me so I can’t really imagine it. Sounds disrespectful as all hell.

  5. You can do better. I don’t even need any more context – I just know this isn’t the one.

  6. Wtffff I’m sorry but whaaattt😭😭 next time cover HIS head lmao see how he likes it

  7. He seriously skipped turning the lights out and went straight to blanket on the face?….damn. I’d be asking questions

  8. Oh man, that’s awful. I hope this isn’t true but if it is, I’d leave that situation. Sounds like he’s imagining someone else or he can’t stand your face and neither one of those is appealing at all. I’m so sorry if this is for real. You deserve better.

  9. Was this always the case or was it recent? I use to do this a lot when I would be on top (I’m a girl) because I didn’t want him to see my facial expressions and it was just overall embarrassing to me. I’m too shy and concerned about how I look in the moment. It could be something he feels as well or he’s just a douchebag

  10. Bring a small toddler size blanket and ceremoniously drape it over his head as foreplay. Then, go make yourself a grilled cheese.

  11. Does he pull the blanket over you both or just shoves the blanket in your face ☠️

  12. Know your value! You don’t have to put up with him doing that. If he insists, withhold sex or sex-play. If he gets up set, leave him.

    You don’t have to suffer in silence.

  13. I personally cover my face from my girlfriend, because I hate the thought of me making sex faces and someone seeing those faces chills me to the bone. So maybe it’s that? Best case scenario?

  14. This shit just got funnier the more comments I read lmao. Reminded me of the time I heard if u put a blanket over a beagle it’ll just accept it and not try to escape because he thinks the world disappeared

  15. Wear a Michael Meyers mask… Bonus points if you hide the accessories under the pillow…. Hot damn, why do you keep having sex with him?

  16. I’m honestly tired of relationship advice subreddit. The title reads *”my bf always covers my face during sex”* Are you absolutely out of your mind? What positive things can you think to say about him that will cancel out that he covers your face during sex? Or even ever. Do you think that everyone else in a relationship is having blind sex with bags over our heads? You’re telling me you really need to ask the internet to confirm if this is bad behaviour? I don’t fucking care if I get down voted honestly. I am going to speak my mind for this one. You better be a fucking troll. I have zero pity for you.

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