Hi guys, I have a pretty decent amount of friends but none of them wants to do the stuff i want to do and i do not look up to them.

How do i go about finding a completely new friend group? Let’s say i want to get some friends who go out every weekend, or some friends who have a certain hobby. What’s your advice for that?

I can’t just go to the places where they will be right? How awkward is this, everyone there has friends and i‘m the only one that does not.

It seems kind of unsolvable. I tried reaching out to some people on social media but they were like: „who are you?“ „do i know you?“ which makes me feel like some sort of creep.

  1. What’s your age group? You should probably focus on making individual friendships, it’s quite difficult to get welcomed into friend groups at certain ages. If you like going to the gym for example look for like minded people in there and strike up a conversation

  2. You very much can go to the places they will be.

    Take your hobbies idea for example:
    Say you enjoy Magic the Gathering (it’s a card game Incase you didn’t know) a lot of local game stores will host Friday Night Magic. Which is, every Friday night people go there to play the game. You would just show up with your deck and ask a group of you can join them.

    If you like reading you could check your local library or bookstore and see if there are any book clubs that you could join.

    If you’re the more outdoorsy type and you like running or hiking you could go by a footwear shop and see if they have any group runs happening. It join a 5k run and meet some people there.

    If you want to make friends for clubbing then go out to the clubs and chat with some people. If there is anywhere where it’s more socially acceptable/expected to approach random strangers and have a conversation it’s clubs/bars.

    Also in this digital age the Internet is your friend. There are so many clubs/groups that you can find on a lot of social media sites. Facebook for example is full of groups for pretty much anything you can think of.

    Hope that helps. I can answer questions to if you have any

  3. Tips

    My trick for making new friends is to tell things how they are.

    Let’s say you’re alone, and you’re looking to get some people to hang out with. Pick a group you think would work, insert yourself into their space, and say something along the lines of

    “Hey. All my friends are either not here, or imaginary. Mind if I hang out with you?”

    If they say no, or disapprove or whatever, that’s okay. Those probably aren’t the type of people you’d want to hang out with.

    Also if you’re meeting and interracting with new people, you can use jokes you already know work with other people. They probably haven’t heard them, and it helps win people over.

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