10 days ago, I (21M) went on my second date with this adorable girl (22F) and we clicked really well. She seems to enjoy being by my side and she told me that I possess some special kind of energy.

However, for some reason, I just randomly started thinking about my teenage self and I feel embarrassed to go see her again. She wants to see me as soon as possible, but I’m procrastinating. I [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/selfimprovement/comments/whx8c4/i_had_terrible_hygiene_as_a_teenager_and_i_think/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) something about this issue yesterday in r/selfimprovement to make myself feel better about it, but it doesn’t help. I just think about it like this – would she still want to be with me if she knew how I was before? Would she date a guy who was irresponsible, dirty and incapable of doing anything by himself just a couple of years ago? I know it is my past, I’m aware that I’ve significantly changed, but I suddenly lost all my self confidence and I’ve never felt this nervous ahead of a date.

Now, I really don’t want my past to fuck this up for me. But in the same time I feel I’m not on this girl’s level, and I’m so close to giving up. What should I do?

  1. You’re not the guy you were back then, and if like you said you’ve grown then thats a plus, all you can do is be the best you can as long as you know you’re trying your best as only you will know its all you can do,

    The thing with Levels is there not the same for everyone, you may have yourself on a low pedestal but thats your own self doubt, and you dont know she doesnt feel the same about herself, but be honest about feeling nerves and it might help ease it and when you talk about your past remember it was an old you

  2. Tell her the truth. A key to an healthy relationship is honesty. If you wont, she may notice you suffering from that, realize that you dont tell her smth important and lose her trust in you. You may keep justice as a secret, but she will always recognize a lie.

    Once i drank terrible drinks at night with my friends, and woke up on a construction site, with the police around me and no memories. I didnt get in trouble tho, but the fact that i didnt tell that to my family and my close friends hurts and makes me suffer. Dont make that mistake.

  3. No no no, you’ve got this turned about.

    You DO deserve her because you’re ashamed of your past self. That means you’ve changed, and grown, into a better and deserving person.

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