That might sound like nothing for a lot of people but not for me. It was way harder than I thought as I was alone and I am way more less confident when I’m not with my friends.
Though toward the middle a girl ignored me, and it made me realise how much it really didn’t matter and from there it became drastically easier to complete the challenge.
I feel like it’s a first step toward me becoming succesful at dating.

Next time I’m going to do the same thing but I’m going to focus on having a more assured voice (I caught myself sounding really insecure most times), smile (I looked like a scared dog), and give a compliment (I tried to do it today but I am still not comfortable enough).

Don’t hesitate to give me tips or suggestion of more challenges I could do 🙂

Update while writing this post : I was alone at the cinema and noticed a very pretty girl alone too at the arcades but though I really tried to force myself to talk to her, I am not ready yet to try to have a conversation.

  1. Don’t give general compliments. Be specific. Target a combination of factors. “Your make up really brings out the for in your eyes. I feel myself wanting to stare into them.”

  2. Good for you man and keep up the good work and keep pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone until that outside part becomes your new comfort zone, rinse and repeat.

  3. maybe try asking for direction as a different approach, and after they help you give them a compliment, which would be totally natural so they wont find it wierd

  4. I’m doing about the same! After a lifetime if hilariously terrible advice I’m just approaching any girl I find attractive at all, fuck the haters and also fuck the stuck up girls who ignore you

  5. How about for next time you pick 5 girls who actually wear a watch and then after thanking her compliment about watch. ‘Thats a really nice watch it suits you’

    And for the 5th and last girl add a question on top of that to start a conversation . ‘I was looking for something like that for my sister for her birthday. Where did you get it from?’

    Edit: typo

  6. I really liked this post. I might also try to do something harmless like this sometime. But I’ll do it with an assured voice like I know what I’m asking and not shaking or anything. It shouldn’t really take much of me I guess when I would do that though.

  7. Good job king. Remember it’s a numbers game ad you have nothing to lose. Just be respectful

  8. Wow! Ted Bundy was a psychopath. But no one can say he didn’t have a way with the ladies. His long time girlfriend doubted herself until the end when there was no denying what he had done.

    While you don’t have to go overboard. Noticing two qualities that make someone stand out from the rest is next level.

    Saying your gorgeous makes you sound like everyone else.

    Defining what you believe looks good is another story.

  9. Im a dude and I’d be wondering why some random person is asking me the time. You need a backstory or something about your phone being dead.

  10. My buddy always had an abundance of success at the gym. He would just say “hi” and smile to women he did not know. He would do it constantly to where they would come up to him and just start a conversation. It was like he was breaking a barrier in the easiest way for them to see him as harmless and want to talk to him.

  11. What time is it?

    No its hammer time. Dan, dan dan dan. Cant touch this.

    No it is time for us to start our life together.

    Nope its time you take me home and make me a man.

    Nope its time we start this magical life journey together.

    Man there is so many ways that could go….get creative.

  12. Im a little paranoid and u always hear warnings that being asked the time is before a mugging, so I feel like there might be something else. I like to think Im a cute girl and I tell cute guys they have a cute dog all the time. But im really just honestly looking at their dog. I mean theyre decent looking guys but it’s not a ruse.

  13. That’s brilliant,, when it feels too much, remember that magic only happens outside your comfort zones. You aren’t alone, I went to a party and was horrified at how anxious I was. Covid has shrunk everyone’s comfort zones, we’re all feeling it.

  14. Asking for the time or coming up with any other unusual “pickup” lines to start a conversation is not the ideal way to approach a woman. I teach my students the simplest way to approach, meet, ask out, and date a woman they are attracted to. Eye contact is key.

  15. I have a big problem asking girls. Where i am its very easy being labeled a molester just for saying hi

  16. … just ask them out. Would you rather have a platonic nothing engagement like asking for time? Or flirt with 10 pretty girls to see if there’s something there? If not, dont waste a second more on them. It’s crazy how people still put pretty woman on INSANELY HIGH pedestals!!

  17. man i am so proud of you!! good for you, this is something a lot more people need to do. it’s great practice not just for dating but for life in general!

  18. Stop bothering people just to bother them. Let pretty girls exist in peace. It’s not their fault.

  19. im someone close to your situation. please keep us updated and share some advices based on your experience🙏

  20. I love the act of trying and shooting your shot! Good for you man.
    If you don’t mind some more advice; I know it sounds cliche and easier said than done but one thing to consistently think of is that “she’s just a human being”. Remove the fear of her being “on a pedestal” by trying to keep in mind that they also just want to meet a nice person to go out with. I have felt comfortable talking to girls for a long time now just simply because I try to keep simple thoughts AND I realize that rejection is inevitable eventually. A girl could find you attractive or like you etc but just be having a bad day. Or just broken up with her boyfriend. Or is just wanting to move on with her day. Try to think those things instead of the harmful ones of yourself if/when you get rejected. Sometimes it’s not you it’s them. And the best advice is just to keep at it and try again. Be kind, be genuine, and remind yourself you’re worth it.
    Challenge: instead of asking them the time, ask them for directions to the closest coffee shop/restaurant/bar etc. that you already know is close by. Then once they tell you (or Google it for you) ask them if they’ve been and what they think of it. This could build to you asking them to join you or if you could take them sometime

  21. I actually like this. I’ve seen a psychology video where if you do something like this, it puts people at ease or grabs their attention the right way. Nice job!

  22. Good shit dude, I actually have the opposite problem lol. I’m way more confident without pre-established attachments being around me, I feel more free and able to just do whatever, I’m not bound by past experiences as much. So I fear meeting someone who then sees me be really apathetic (I am) around other people and they lose interest. It feels like where you belong in the larger social sphere of the culture matters more and more and your ability to navigate 1on1 has been diminished in its relevance. Don’t let it stop you though, you’ve got some momentum now and that can be the toughest part- getting the ball rolling. God speed you mad lad.

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