Other than money, what keeps you from pursuing new hobbies?

  1. Time and my work schedule. Having alternating shifts means I can’t stick to a repeating timetable (practice every Wednesday and Friday evening for example).

  2. Mostly time. In order to start new hobbies you need a lot of time initially to educate yourself and practice to set a baseline. Not every hobby is expensive but you definitely going to need to put some money into the required equipment. Which is not an investment you’re gonna make when you don’t see having enough time to pursue the hobby.

    Most of my free time is spent with friends/family, sleep and workout. And this maxes out my free time so even existing hobbies tend to get the short end of the stick. Thats not that big of an issue as you can jump back into something you are already good at with ease. However, for starting new things you need to spend a lot of time getting started consistently.

  3. The fact that if I don’t pass 8 subjects I’m down another year at uni. But mostly money, the uni thing is because I’m a world class procrastinator

  4. I just don’t want to do them, I’ve come to realize that the only reason I’ve ever picked up any hobbies is just because friends have been doing them and I just love doing shit with other people, even when I can do them on my own I just don’t want to, my hobbies are only fun with other people.

  5. I’d rather be doing one of my other hobbies.

    I’d like to try out Snowboarding, but at the same time, if I make the trek to the slopes only to then fall on my ass for an entire day I’d be thinking the whole time “I could be having fun on Skis right now”

  6. nothing it’s all money, i literally would have 1000000000 hobbies if i had the money for them id be bouncing around all day like a mad man

  7. Equipment. I want to try new hobbies but I don’t have the right stuff to try new hobbies.

  8. Age, injury history, and lack of time. 45 is a little too old to hobby MMA. Nothing else interests me at the moment.

  9. Time. I came to this realization about a month ago. There’s a solid 6 hobbies I’d love to have. But unfortunately after work, adult chores and responsibilities, maintaining my relationship with my girlfriend, maintaining my relationship with my friends, and taking the time to care for my physical and mental health I really only have time for one hobby. Maybe two if they aren’t something I need to sink lots of hours into. There’s just not enough hours in a day, and if there were more they’d find a way to make us work longer days so I guess it’s just one or two hobbies for me

  10. strictly money.

    if i had more, i can reduce my hours at work (or quit) and focus on a more self indulgent lifestyle.

  11. I’m introverted and lazy. I also play volleyball and like fast pace. So also time

  12. Lonely, don’t have anyone to pursue them with, and I’m kinda dependent on having someone with me. Not out of disability or such sake, but rather just that it feels boring, weird, or uncomfortable being alone while doing stuff.

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