I’m (30F) recently know this guy (38M) he got divorce 3 years ago, with 6 & 3 yrs old kid. That’s just for context as to why I’m asking this question and this is honestly genuine question and I meant no offense to anyone.

If you ever seriously dating or marry a divorcee, what makes you “go for it?”
And what aspect should I look for when trying to get to know them?
What questions and how’s the boundaries set up for you and his ex?
I know I can only get the story from his side, so what should I look for to know whether we can be together or not?
I really just want to know about it all cause I have no experience dating a divorcee and most my family who got divorced, it was a really bad one like abusive and plain cheating.
so I don’t think asking them would get me a clear neutral answer?

Anything do you think I need to know, please
thank you!

1 comment
  1. First thing I noticed reading this is how he got divorced 3 yrs ago and one of his kids happen to be a 3yr old. It’s important to figure out what happened, and what kind of post marriage relationship they share.

    Important things to consider if this is serious:

    * Do you want kids of your own, and does he?
    * visiting rights and schedules, as well as any boundaries issues there might be associated with those

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