I am an introvert and can small talk whenever I want. I have met people online and offline but I feel I have always been incapable of forming deep connections/friendships. I never had a close friend. Everytime we end up becoming acquaintance.

I didn’t have any close friend in school or in college. It was all situational. We used to meet in college, see everyone on a regular basis so it was inevitable that we won’t talk but after school and college got over we hardly talk.

I have tried reaching out to them but the problem is its always me who texts or calls them they never do it unless they need an urgent help on something. Huh!

I just don’t understand what the heck is wrong me? Why am always unable to form deeper connections with people and be a close friends?

  1. It sounds totally counterproductive but you need an extrovert, specifically one who doesn’t give a damn. One with ADHD would be perfect, by the way hello that’s me.

    The majority of my friends who are normal can’t handle me. But my introvert friends I’m their mouth, I’m their action. When we go out someplace they don’t have to do anything because I do it all. I might send 20 texts they’ll send two and that’s fine because that’s who I am and I’m cool with this. Normal people can’t handle that but the introverts can and I love them for it and they love that they don’t have to give constant feedback to be accepted.

    Like ride or die, I do anything for them and I honestly know if I called them they would help me too because they have. (Side note you don’t call introverts to text them) It’s a wonderful balance and sometimes they work with me and help me calm down and we can have nice chill sessions watching movies or binging crap or playing an online game where I just scream like a maniac and they’re dead silent. And it’s ridiculously fun for me and then they tell me they are having fun.

    But yeah, you need to find your polar opposite, it exists I found my introvert people at college and where I work. You just have to be open and honest with who you are. Really don’t try to hide it, just be straightforward with the people you meet, it’ll happen. It took me a long time to find my friend group. And in my 40s and I’m just now building a core group of adults I call friends. But like we’re all so immature is amazing that we’re not dead yet 😂

  2. Are you able to completely open up to people and let yourself be vulnerable? Or do you keep conversations surface-level and never let them get too deep? Personally, I’ve always kept things surface-level, and it’s a habit I’m trying to change but it’s hard to do. Being vulnerable is scary.

    Connection requires some vulnerability on both sides. That’s where the magic happens.

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