We had a normal discussion about our kinks, he didn’t say anything unusual that day, nothing at all.
He then proceeded to call me while i working just to ask if we can talk about that again later today, i come home and he tells me that he would like to have sex on the grass, just bare ass naked sex in our garden.
The way he just came up to me and said that made me burst out laughing, i didn’t wanna be weirded out i kinda just thought it was a bit funny and said no nontheless.

He did not wanna let go of that topic, so i just suggested we buy fake grass and still keep it in our bedroom, he then corrected himself and said he has an actual fetish for it, and that he just likes the “dirty, mud parts” of it.

What seemed like a fun and comical conversation to me, ended up being a serious topic, because he then told me that having normal sex with me felt ‘very painful and wrong’ to him
The way he worded everything made me feel absolutely fucking awful, especially since this is the first time he’s ever mentioned that, we’ve been together for almost 4 years now.
I don’t know how to deal with it, we talked about it for hours on end and didn’t really come to any conculsions, i’m not weirded out by it, i just don’t wanna do it, it seems very unhygienic and i don’t know what else i could do to help with that.

1 comment
  1. Unfortunately, sometimes when people come out to a partner about their fetish, it reveals a core incompatibility that can’t be overcome.

    If neither of you are willing to compromise on this, you may need to break up and go your separate ways in search of someone you’re more compatible with.

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