Met a woman and we went out 2 weeks ago; it was fun, she texted me 2x later that night to say she was “pleasantly surprised” and had a nice time. Both agreed to go out again. She became a bit non-responsive over the week and eventually said I’m sorry and I’m usually put together but things are really busy and I would like to see you again.

We finally agreed to go out this past Thursday; again, a great time, laughs and good body language and a nice kiss at the end. Both agreed to go out on a third date, and after date I texted her to say I had fun and asked her to go next Thursday; she said she had fun too, and would confirm tomorrow.

That was Thursday, still haven’t heard from her. I’m not sure if I’m overreading into things, or just very unclear on whether these long delays are intentional and she’s not so into it (and I’m misinterpreting date #2 and how things went). I’m going out with other people so not focusing just on 1 person, but I told her I’m about being transparent and authentic and this inconsistency is confusing.


TLDR; had 2 great dates with someone who wants to go out again but takes days to follow up.

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