What’s something you thought you were going to regret, but later found out it worked out?

  1. Going on vacation alone when my friend had to cancel. I thought I’d have a terrible time but, since I’d already paid for the plane ticket, figured I’d go anyway.

    Turned out to absolutely change my life! That was about 15 years ago and I’ve loved solo travel ever since.

  2. Ending the friendship with my two best friends because of a guy. Actually, ended up working out pretty well because I then found out that they had been talking crap about me behind my back for weeks leading up to that point

  3. Not the insightful answer I’m sure this question warrants, but getting a second dog/puppy. I’d had dogs but never a puppy and I was terrified. I was so afraid it would ruin mine and my adult dogs lives.

    But while it was hard, it has also been really great for all 3 of us. I love him immensely and it was what I needed at the time.

  4. Going out to eat by myself! I was lonely coming out of lockdown and it was tough to get plans together with friends. I made myself go out to eat (sitting at a bar so I wasnt at a table by myself!). I now love it! Have met tons of interesting people and even became a ‘regular’ at a place near my house. This is amazing because the other regulars and bartenders have my back i get more attention than I am looking for. A+ would recommend

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