We had been friends for 5+ years prior to starting a 2 month long relationship.

I broke up with him because I saw text messages between him and other girls. He tried hiding them from me, and blamed me for messaging them in the first place.

He said I didn’t give him enough attention. We saw each other every day. That told me he needed external validation from other women to feel good.

Although I’m not sure if he physically cheated, he emotionally did.

We have had limited contact with each other, but he wants me back.

I love him a lot and I am unsure of what to do.

  1. Don’t get back together with him, he didn’t feel any remorse about doing it as can be seen by him trying to blame you.
    Just because it wasn’t physical doesn’t make it any less disrespectful. Respect yourself and find someone who respects you.

  2. I’m one for giving a second change – but not a third. The question becomes what’s he going to do to fix the problem? past, present and future? It’s obviously not acceptable but what’s his solution?

    I’m bothered by the fact that he tried to blame you for his failing. I hope he’s recanted, admitted his fault and apologized. If not? then that’s the starting point before anything else. He shouldn’t get to blame you and you shouldn’t move forward if it’s still “your fault”.

    Boundaries need to be set with clear expectations that if it happens again? you’re gone – and you have to stick by those boundaries. No messaging girls. Talk to you if he feels he’s not getting the attention he needs. Access to his phone. In time? you can relax things as he gains trust back but it’s going to be rocky at the start and he needs to accept and be ready.

  3. Nah he did it intentionally. Liars a liar, You caught him and he blamed you? BYEEEEEEEEE

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