So, I was sleeping with the woman, K, and we were always constantly hitting on each other whenever we saw each other – every second sentence was some kind of innuendo. Most of the time we saw each other, her friend M was there two.

Anyway, when K decided to end things permanently, she told me that her friend M liked me. She thinks this is why M tried to make her feel bad when she found out K and I had been sleeping together.

Later on, K messaged me again and was very rude to me, saying she didn’t want me in her life anymore. She also let me know she has borderline personality disorder (hence why she was always so flip-floppy). She told me that I’d really hurt M – she didn’t enjoy having to watch me pursue K constantly.

Now, K has blocked me on Facebook and M has dropped off Facebook. What do you think this means? M clearly hasn’t blocked me – a group she ran all noticed she had suddenly gone.

I don’t have her number, so it’ll be a while before I get to see her again. She used to run a potluck dinner group at the appartements where she lives. I’m thinking of trying to keep it running for her.

What do you think is happening?

  1. If you had a third woman in your life, would you have even posted this? Probably not. I’d forget about both and move on, unless you want drama in your life. If so, then by all means, stay.

  2. What I think happened is that K lost interest and M didn’t take her shot with you, or maybe she thinks it’s weird to go after the ex of her friend.

    So either way, there are more than 2 ladies out there so keep looking for other opportunities besides K and M.

  3. If she says she has borderline personality disorder then advice is to not date her, at least until she is treated for it and is stable.

  4. M could be pretending to be K. Did you talk to K face-to-face? This is very suspicious.

  5. So K knew M liked you but was with you anyway, then told you M liked you when she broke things off… yet YOU are the one that hurt M?

  6. So M had a thing for you and K is a really shitty friend to her and tried to make you seem like the villain to save her own ass. I would suggest forgetting them both

  7. You over thinking it. Try for M but only for a little while. You thought, or your friend may have thought she liked you because of some second hand logic.
    None of this concrete. They may both have issues, they may have gotten together, who knows.
    But it doesn’t sound like you know M very well. So if you cross paths say hi. If not find another hole to score your goals

  8. So…. K told you that M liked you. Do you know if that’s actually true? Did you ever talk to M about it?

    BPD can cause some very turbulent relationships. Particularly if the person is not being treated for it.

    M may have been dealing with similar things from K and went offline as a result to avoid drama.


    If you really want you can contact M directly and say something like “Hi, K told me I’d upset you and I wanted to apologize if that was true as it was never my intention to do so.”


    You may get radio silence, you may get a It’s ok, but I’m thinking you may also get a “What are you talking about? K says a lot of things, that’s why I don’t talk to her now.”

  9. Yeahhh not sure there’s much you can do here, cluster B personality disorders are no joke and I don’t think you are at fault here at all

  10. When M realised you and K were sleeping together they had an argument. K blamed/blames you for that and M is probably taking a break from social media, possibly cause she feels stressed out about things.

  11. So what I think happened is K is a shitty friend and she later said something to M for which M may have quit social media for a while.

    I won’t say run into here just get her number if you can and call her if you can’t just a casual run in is fine but don’t overdo it you don’t know what happened or what she was told

  12. Do yourself and them a favor and move on from it.

    You’ve lost K. And M is going to be weirded out about you getting with K.

  13. My advice would be not to date someone with borderline personality disorder. I’ve seen too many disasters from it

  14. Get away. You didn’t even like M until you found out she liked you. So you didn’t even like her until you saw an opening. Furthermore, if she’s not coming into your life, she’s not meant to be. Just move on and in due time you’ll find what’s meant to be.

  15. It means good riddance, that the trash took itself out.

    I wouldn’t pursue M. Id start fresh with 0 drama.

  16. You know what happened. Shit blew up between a friendship and you were collateral damage. Or maybe you all were.

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