Where do you let your partner cum?

I’m a woman, and I’m not comfortable with letting my boyfriend cum on me. We have tried using a sock most of the times before and that is what he uses when he masturbate alone. But he says that it doesn’t feel good, and has asked if he could cum on me, I’ve told him no and that it’s something I’m uncomfortable with. He’s okay with that, but still doesn’t like the feeling of the sock. Personally we both don’t really like penetrating sex but when we do have penetrating sex we do use condoms. But for the other times there’s no special place we have for his cum to go. I’ve tried suggesting other things than a sock but he doesn’t like those options either. So I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions or any input on this?

As having him cum on me is something that makes me really uncomfortable and I would say is a hard limit for me but he doesn’t like the other options that I’ve made.
I’ve suggested him that he can cum in his hands or on himself as then he’ll get the feeling of cumming on skin, instead of on an object. But it doesn’t seem like wants to cum on himself either.

  1. Anywhere he wants, because I’m now comfortable with it.
    Don’t do it unless you’re a 100% in for it. You’re allowed not to agree to anything he wants, don’t feel bad about it.
    Maybe someday you’ll be ready 🙂

  2. Ive never been a fan of cuming on a girl guess its some sort if marking you as his thing ?

  3. Then he is shit out of luck, he can choose an option thats not on you the end, he can get over it

    Your boundary is yours to make and should be respected

    All the options you have suggested, hand/towel/sock are common answers

  4. If you’re not comfortable with him cumming on you then he should accept and respect that. Maybe instead of his crusty cumrag sock though you can let him cum in your panties?

  5. He can cum anywhere he wants. Lately, cumming inside me is burning, so he’ll pull out and cum on my belly. If he’s going to cum on my face, we keep a warm wet towel nearby.

  6. So I guess you don’t wanna swallow it as well? I would say he should cum on a towel or maybe a pocket pussy. You could help him fuck this pussy. So he can cum inside. Or on it

  7. Anywhere he wants but that’s my choice. You’re allowed to make your own choice. That’s your right!

  8. Have you tried just jerking him off onto something without standing in the target area? If you stand off to the side or even give him a reach-around you’ll probably still get a little on your finger but it wouldn’t be a full load. Maybe that would be a good compromise if you’re comfortable with it.

    My next best suggestion would be a flesh light. I assume he wants a bit more tightness so just take it out of its case and jerk him off with it so you can tighten it up more.

  9. You are allowed to not be ready or even if you are ready to simply dislike and say no, I don’t want you to cum on or in me. That is your decision.
    However, also respect his decision of him not feeling comfortable, ready, or simply dislike the fact that he can’t cum on or in you.

    There is 4 options here.

    One: he be the bigger person and compromise and have it your way

    Two: you be the bigger person and compromise and have it his way

    Three: you both be the bigger couple and talk and compromise to get to a healthy middle ground

    Four: none of you are willing to compromise and just don’t have sex.

  10. Anywhere except my face.
    I’m not a fan of it though either, but it is also kind of something I find hot.

    He doesn’t care where his cum ends up, him, or me, or bed, or wherever, he is relaxed.

    If you’re not comfortable, then don’t do it, but a sock seems kind of odd. And him not okay with it on himself is also kind of odd.

    Can you both approach it as something great together, rather than a mess, maybe he hugs you close as he cums, and has it squirt between your bodies, over both your stomachs?

    You can both then be in disgust at the same time, and decide how you might further be able to handle it together.

  11. It is EXTREMELY sexy when a partner tells me to cum wherever I want. Literally drives me nuts. I almost always choose inside her vagina or mouth because it just feels better. It seems like he is rejected the other options because he really just wants to cum on you. There is no practical reason why those options you presented shouldn’t be fine.

    If it’s a hard no for you, he’s just going to have to deal with it.

  12. If you’re not ok with it then you’re not ok with it. Everyone has their own boundaries and he should respect yours. Personally I like having guys cum on me.

  13. while i don’t feel like a woman or man should do anything sexual that they hate or are uncomfortable with……when you get into monogamous relationship with someone you are basically responsible for their sexual satisfaction as well. So you don’t have to do things you are not comfortable with, but you should not stay in a relationship where your partner is going to be sexually unsatisfied either. It’s not fair to either of you to tie someone down you aren’t willing to compromise with.

  14. My partner cums in my mouth or on my body (usually my breasts). But neither one of us has hang ups about bodily fluids in general. You posted this same thread in r/bdsmadvice and shot down every suggestion that was made. It really sounds to me like you two are not sexually compatible – he needs a gf who isn’t repulsed by cum, and you need a bf who isn’t immature.

  15. Aside from wearing a condom so that it isn’t an issue, asking me to use a sock, towel, or anything besides my fiancé’s body or my own is a show stopper.

    A sock? really? Are we 12?

  16. This might be a uncomfortable question. But have you ever tried having your partner cum on you or is the thought of it just icky to you? It’s really not as bad as it seems. I don’t think it’s odd at all that your boyfriend would want some skin to skin contact when cumming. Are you comfortable with him cumming inside your vaginal area? Or mouth at least? You may want to think of being more open minded if all of these options are no gos. You can always clean yourself off with a towel and a nice shower. I understand I might get down voted for this but when it comes to pleasing your partner sometimes you need to be open to other options.

  17. I never cum on my partners. Not in or on them. I dont like that at all. Usually i just dont cum or i just jerk off at home. Cum can be pretty gross

  18. Personally I let him finish anywhere. I don’t feel degraded by it, so it doesn’t matter to me if he picks face, chest, etc on any given day. I’ll just let him know ahead of time whether I’m willing to swallow that day because some days I’m just not up for it. Inside isn’t an option right now, but once I get an IUD in a few months that will hopefully be on the table

    Can I ask- why are you uncomfortable with cum on you? You’re entitled to your preferences and everything of course, I’m just curious about why it’s such a hard no for you.

  19. My girlfriend let’s me do it pretty much where i want.. mostly just inside her tho.. it would make me depressed if my partner wanted me to cum in a sock to be honest.. it would make me feel so unwanted. Not telling you to overstep your boundaries tho.. just damm

  20. You gotta change that internal narrative. For me, I find it so sexy when a guy cums on me. It’s hot. It turns me on to know that I’m the reason they are climaxing 😉

    Honestly, it sounds like fear might be holding you back, but try it out. It’s sexy when my tits, stomach or ass is covered with cum. Maybe check out Sex with Emily podcast, get more comfortable in your skin and masterbate. You might try out masterbating together and then having him cum on you where you feel most comfortable.

    I feel like in the past year my sexual confidence has increased due to my suggestions above and just learning more about what I like and reminding myself that sex is supposed be pleasurable for both parties. However, I will say this, if this is something that is important to him and you still don’t feel comfortable. Figure out ways together to gain confidence or it might be time to say goodbye because you two might not be sexually compatible.

  21. I let my man cum anywhere he wants, but my favourite is in my mouth. I love getting to have his cum in my mouth.

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