i only see my boyfriend like once a week and we text sparingly throughout the week. i dont even know if i like him anymore and we’ve been dating for ~6 months. the first three months were when i was at school, when we were in the honeymoon phase. i couldn’t go an hour without texting him! now things have changed, and we don’t have the spark we used to. i’m leaving for college in a week which is about 4 hours away by car. i’m afraid our relationship isn’t strong enough to last the distance, and we might just stop texting completely. is our distance weird? is it time to call it quits? he’s really sweet and really fun to hangout with but i don’t know. 🙁

EDIT: he’s still really clingy and totally in love but i’m not feeling it. does that make me a dick?

  1. Ah, if you’re not feeling it and about to move away it may be best to leave things on good terms and suggest going your separate ways without burning bridges. Who knows, maybe both of you develop and end up together, maybe it’s the conversation that kickstarts the intimacy again with both of you deciding to not give up, or maybe it’s just the inevitable end to a lovely relationship that sets both of you single into your new Uni stage of life.

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