I like to rebuild cars but now I don’t have a garage or full set of tools to do that. What are some home projects you do that satisfy that need to build something?

  1. I build ARs I love every minute of it I love being able to put it all together and then hit some targets at the range with something I completely built myself. They are also very customizable and interchangeable I can swap parts and all that to modify and fine tune things. Definitely satisfies that build it and use it itch.

  2. Woodworking. I make whatever we need around the house, then just make whatever I want and my wife sells it for me so my hobby pays for itself. I also started getting into welding mainly to do bases for tables and things like that.

  3. Recently redesigned my entire bedroom. Bought some of the furniture and made some of the others.

    Took my old Uplift desk frame and replace the desk top. Bought a butcher block from Lowe’s, cut it to size and stained/lacquered it. Looks awesome

  4. I’m not sure if this counts but I’ve been going to meetups the radio station I listen to has every week. I remember the first one I went to and the host I met hooked me up with free stuff and I even made some new friends too. It was in October of last year and ever since then I’ve always gone to the meetups and I’ve met almost every host from the station! The last one I was at was the day before my birthday and everyone that was at it signed a card and even got me a gift which was a bottle of Malört.

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