Hello! This is not a personal question of my experience. Just simply out of curiosity since I’ve been studying alot about sex education. I’ve thought of this scenario and I have a few question.

Scenario is a couple had unprotected sex. No condoms, no pills, no protection at all. Two days later the woman got her period. The question is did the sperm failed to reach the egg? Hence the woman getting her period or…the sperm will live inside the woman’s body for 5 days and then wait for the period to end till its allow to swim to the egg?

I kind of find the question funny, I’m a minor after all-

  1. It may not have failed to reach the egg but the egg will have died already. It’s my understanding that the egg has already died once the period starts, there is no egg to fertilise until ovulation which occurs longer than 5 days after the period starts. Ovulation lasts up to 36 hours. If the spent doesn’t fertilise the egg the egg dies.

  2. Generally speaking. If the woman git her period it.means ovulation occurred approximately two weeks prior.

    Sperm with not egg to fertilize dies after some time.

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