Like the title says, me (20, f) and my fiancé (20, m) are going to experiment with squirting and we’ve never done it before.

We’ve already bought a waterproof pad thing to put under us and we’ve watched a bunch of amateur videos but 98% of them were fake so we didn’t learn much 😅

I have squirted before while solo but stopped out of panic, this is year’s later with a partner which is very different

Edit: Thank you all for being so kind! Asked this on another reddit feed, someone went onto my profile and then proceeded to be rude about the question and then call my page “yucky” (I was so nervous about posting and they were really hurtful, it upset me, but you all are so nice! so I’m glad I posted here!)

  1. Hydrate really well throughout the entire day leading up to your time experimenting. Lots of foreplay.

  2. you get more comfortable with it over time, but if you feel uncomfortable you shouldn’t push it. don’t overestimate it in your head and see it as a milestone, bodies are different and focus on taking it as easy as possible

  3. Towels and/or waterproof blanket. Be relaxed even when the feeling you have to pee comes. Do not try forcing it and don’t worry if it does not happen right away.

  4. We just figured out squirting a few months ago. The way we do it is by laying some towels down, and he eats me until I orgasm. The orgasm isn’t necessary, but you do need to be pretty wet. Then he kneels between my legs and uses his index and middle fingers to stimulate my g spot. Starts out slow, then gets rougher and faster. At this point, you both have to commit. You’re going to want to stop, and he’s going to be afraid he’s hurting you because you’ll be spazzing out exorcist-style. To me, it hurts but also feels amazing. But I find if you stop during, you will be in serious pain. So just commit. Lay there and try to relax, even though you won’t be able to. After a few minutes, you will begin to hear “the sound”. He may feel, inside you, a gushing/squirting of fluid, and his finger action will sound different, you’ll know it when you hear it. Shortly thereafter, you will squirt. You may not feel it, so have him tell you when you do it. I can’t feel it when I do. Crucial for me is to still not stop. If he stops at this point, I will be in so much pain I’ll vomit. Idk why, but we call it lady blueballs, and it’s BAD. He has to keep going and get several spurts of squirt out. It’s like an intense, prolonged orgasm…but different. I’ll know I’m done when all traces of pain are gone and I feel wrung out, completely satisfied. At this point, if he hasn’t cum just watching you, he can finish up however you guys like.

    I also suggest emptying your bladder beforehand. It will be less volume, but you won’t have to worry about “peeing” all over him, which will help you relax. The amount that comes out with an emptied bladder is only a few tablespoons and has a funny smell, not like urine or vaginal secretions. Everyone says it smells different. Mine reminds me of the smell of blood. It’s like a gamey smell. It’s gross to me but must be pheromone rich because my husband loses his mind for it.

    It’s pretty intense, and I can only do it about once a week because it’s so intense and takes a lot out of me, but me and my husband love it. It’s a fun act to add to the rotation 👌

  5. – drink plenty before hand but then pee before trying.

    – lots of foreplay and communication. spend some time enjoying yourselves and do what feels good and comfortable. a couple of orgasms before can be good. also you’ll want to have a good idea of what it feels like to squeeze your muscles inwards, and also to push out. Maybe practice this with hands or toys and just get a feel for that. It can make sex feel even better so it’s just a good thing to get a feel for.

    – my partner prefers vaginal stimulation and generally likes her G spot stimulated so we tend to do a lot of positions that aim at that. having her butt raised on pillows instantly feels great for both of us

    – get used to not tensing up, you want to feel relaxed the whole time.

    – we find kneeling the easiest position, but also if you lay on your back with your knees back towards your chest can be good.

    – Have your partner slowly stimulate your G spot area and find that spongy spot. Find the stimulation that feels good to you. Doesn’t need to be too fast or hard yet, but usually quite firm feels better.

    – there should be a motion that feels good, just enjoy that and keep relaxed and enjoy the stimulation. As it continues to feel good, the area around the G spot will swell up a bit and you may hear those kind of sloshy sounds.

    – usually around this point, my partner will be feeling pretty great. Maybe not like a full vaginal orgasm, but it’s quite intense and she’ll be moaning/saying “oh god” etc.

    – when the vagina is feeling kind of bulged up, you’ll get that “need to pee” feeling, stay relaxed and enjoy it and let that feeling build up. It’ll get quite intense and pleasurable – soon after try and push out from your vagina and hopefully you have some success.

    – my partner tends to orgasm from cowboy position, quite often we’ll do that, and then afterwards I’ll thrust hard and fast while she kind of hovers above me (slightly leaning forward). This usually feels great for her and gives a similar stimulation to what I mentioned above. She can usually feel when squirting is close, and she’ll pull out and I’ll use my hands to bring the squirting on.

    – squirting was definitely an awesome thing for us to bring to the relationship, I’m pretty certain I enjoy the phenomenon more than she does but there’s a cute closeness afterwards where we both feel kind of euphoric. I think the build up is where it feels best for her, and the actual squirting part is messy. I love the visual aspect of it and provoking an intense reaction. It can be done quite a few times during sex, although I find it hard to control myself for long after. Slippery sex post squirt feels amazing too.

    Have fun and good luck!

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