what’s your daily routine when you wake up?

  1. Wake up. Get out of bed. Drag a comb across my head. Find my way down stairs and have a cup.

  2. Get up stare at phone for an hour, get dressed, have yogurt,coldbrew, and banana for breakfast, poop

  3. Make my bed, take a leak, go on a 5k brisk walk listening to the NFL Opening Drive on Sirius/XM – waive hello to all the other morning folks out doing the same..hit my garage gym for 30 minutes, wake up the kids and get them ready & off to school. Log on to work. Take a shower during my 1st break. Breakfast around 11am (intermittent fasting)

  4. Curse the fact that I haven’t died in my sleep. Turn over and get a few more minutes of sleep. Drag my sorry ass out of bed. Take a piss. Hop in the shower. Shave. Brush my teeth. Look for the least wrinkled shirt. Dress. Drive to work.

  5. Wake up at 7 am, read the news, take a leak, drink water and powdered greens, clock into work

  6. Wash face, pour over coffee and breakfast of eggs with toast, read a book for 15-30 mins. Restroom, then whatever else I have planned for the day.

  7. Wake up at 4am, check my phone to see who called out of work, make a pot of coffee (not because I get to enjoy a cup, but because I need it to go #2.) juggle the phone while trying to get dressed, try to be in the car by 5. Drink the cup of coffee I made to actually enjoy. At about 5:30 begin getting Get aggravated with phone calls

  8. Take car. Go to mum’s. Kill Phil, grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over. How’s that for a slice of fried gold?

  9. roll out of bed , make bed , make cup of coffee , get dressed for gym / workout , Take 2 one aday mens 50+ multivitamins, Take 5 other supplements, rinse coffee cup , drink protien drink, jog 4.5 miles to gym , workout for 60 minutes , walk home , drink a fruit smoothie with bcaa supplement powder, shower, make breakfast, read the news paper and relax all done before 10am then log on to computer and day trade .till supper

  10. Pet kitty, make coffee, check the progress on the game I play on my phone, turn on YouTube. Sometimes scroll Reddit.

  11. Wake up. Cold shower. Meditate. Start coffee. Quick walk outside. Drink coffee and read/journal. Workout. Eat bfast. Go work for corporate America

  12. Hold my wife for a bit. Look at her and think how lucky I am. Get out of bed, take a piss maybe a shit. Wash up. Then leave

  13. Stay in bed
    Check my news feed, emails, socials etc
    Rub one out
    Go to the toilet
    Say good morning to my partner in her office
    Have breakfast and preworkout and greens powder
    Do any household chores or errands that need doing
    Go to the gym
    Work starts at 1pm.

  14. I snooze my alarm at least twice, turn my work computer on so it looks like im online, get dressed and grab a coffee.

  15. I hit the snooze around 3:45am, wake up at 4am. Coffee (This is a MUST). Dog for a run, breakfast, get ready for work and then go to work.

  16. Lay in bed contemplating life for about 15 minutes, get up, take a piss, maybe shower, it depends on wether or not i stink, skip breakfast, and then pack my bag for school then off to the bus I go

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