I’m 17, and I have girl problems lol (Sorry this is so long, tbh just read the tldr at the bottom, then whats below that, I labeled each paragraph if you need more details)

1 Ok, there is this really pretty girl at my school, I first noticed her last year when her friends in one of my classes were talking about something pretty funny and wild that she said, because she’s usually reserved and quiet in class. Anyway, I start paying attention to her a bit, and start to think she might be paying attention to me also, especially after one time she passed me in the hall and turned her head to look at me when she went by.

2 So, in one of my classes, I try to be around her whenever we have work time. It goes pretty well, I could get her to laugh, she would approach me a few times before class, and I am pretty sure she is now glancing at me a few times each class when I’m not nearby. I say this because we would occasionally make eye contact, but I would usually be paying attention to her in the corner of my eye to see if she was looking at me. I tried not to directly stare and make her uncomfortable though.

3 After maybe a month of that, I decide to ask her for her number, because we will soon have new seating arrangements and I won’t really be able to talk to her in class. I catch her when we are leaving class one day, and somewhat awkwardly ask her for her number because I didn’t really preface it with anything, I just said “hey, could I have your number?” She gave it to me, and I texted her right after so she’d have my number.

4 Here’s where it gets weird. That weekend, maybe like 2 days later I send her a text asking about soccer, because I play soccer and know from social media and her friends that she also plays soccer. I don’t get a response. I’m really confused, as usually this is a pretty dead sign of disinterest. But since I texted her, she has been glancing over a lot more frequently.

5 I catch her before lunch one day, and I ask her what happened. She said she was on a plane, so she couldn’t respond. That makes no sense, because it was just a text she could’ve answered later. But, she’s still staring so maybe like a week later I text her again, implying that if she wants me to just leave her alone, she can tell me. No response.

6 Again, this is a pretty obvious sign of disinterest, but the next day at school she is just blatantly staring. We had a lecture, and pretty much anytime she looked from the whiteboard to her notes or vice versa, she paused for a moment with her head pointed at me. She pretty much was glancing my direction in a similar way for the rest of the semester. Because I had tried to reach out and felt pretty stupid, I didn’t try to do anything else for the rest of the semester, and just let it go.

7 Second semester, we have no classes together, but I’d sometimes see her in the halls randomly, and it still seemed like she would glance at me even if she was talking to friends. Then AP tests come around. She was sitting two rows in front of me, one seat to my right so we were pretty close. Just like in the fall semester, it seemed like she was repeatedly glancing at me. I was behind her so she had to look over her shoulder to see me, so it wasn’t really that subtle at all.

8 So after that, I think I still have a shot. I overheard some of her friends one day talking about schedules, so I know I’ll have at least one class with her next semester, and I figured then would be a good time to finally do something.

9 Now it’s this year, she’s in my math class. She’s sitting in the middle of class with a group of her friends, I’m off to her right, slightly behind her. One of her friends is sitting on that side right next to her, but anytime she’s talking to her, it seems she’s turning her head way more than she needs to, and definitely is still looking to her right a lot even when she’s not talking to her friend. Also, for the first day of school one of her friends sitting one row in front of her took a selfie of their friend group to post on instagram, everyone in the group is smiling at the camera except for my crush, she’s looking over to her right lol. Today was the third day back, I didn’t ever look directly at her for the first two days when I thought she was glancing over, but I did today when she was looking to her right and messing with her hair. We made eye contact, and she seemed to be looking over her shoulder a bit more frequently after that.



**TLDR: Last fall, a really pretty girl seems to be looking at me (Paragraph 1). I’m already interested in her, so I start talking to her a bit in a class (P2). Eventually ask for her number (P3). We both play soccer so I text her about that. No response (P4). She seems to be looking at me more frequently. I ask her what happened, she said she was on a plane, and couldn’t respond (P5). Doesn’t make any sense, so I text her gently asking if she want me to leave her alone. No response, in the weeks remaining of the semester she is very frequently glancing at me (P6). Second semester starts, I dont have any classes with her. I see her in early may for AP tests, she still seems to be staring (P7). We have a class this year, I think she’s till looking ate me, I think I still have a good shot (P9).**

First things first, this much staring means she likes me right? I don’t think she’s trying to play with me, like I said shes pretty quiet in class and she’s a really nice person.

Second, what do I do? I want to act as quick as I can, because I know the more this semester ends up like last november/december the more likely that it is she will lose whatever interest she has. Issue is, I really want to get a job first so I can have money to spend on doing stuff with her. Also, in class she’s pretty much surrounded by her close friends. These are the options I’ve thought of:

* Follow her on instagram, I haven’t actually yet, because of the no reply situation I thought it’d be pretty awkward. I know for sure she’d see it, and I think its a pretty simple way of trying to get back in touch.
* Text her again, or DM on instagram. I don’t want to text her because clearly something causes problems with that, but it is the best way to directly say something to her without her friends noticing. DMing on instagram is kinda just taking option one a bit further.
* Leave her a note in class. I like this one, but she usually gets to class before me, and her friends might see it before she does. (also If I do this what should the note say???)
* Just talk in class one day. Talking to her obviously is the best method of communication, but either her friends will notice, or I’ll be stuck waiting for a good time. I don’t want to create an awkward situation, nor do I want to wait.

I know it might not seem worth it to a bystander, but she truly is insanely pretty, insanely kind, and we are in similar classes and both play the same sport.

  1. I was in a very similar situation as you, take my advise because I dont want you to fuck up like I did. I didn’t ask her out, so another guy did. If you’re interested then chances are another dude is. It sounds like she’s interested in you as well so go for it my guy. Don’t worry about money and a job. If she genuinely likes you it doesnt matter whether you have money or not. The pain of regret hurts infinitely more than the pain of rejection. Cheers

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