I plan on talking to a lot of people when Uni starts. Slightly more women though bc I’m lacking in female friends and have been for a while.

With some girls though, I might want to immediately communicate that I’m down to be more than just “friendly” or at least want to be seen as an option so that I’m not friend-zoned off rip. What are ways I can communicate that without saying it outright?

  1. Don’t act like a nice guy friend. Have banter with them and be as dirty and naughty as you feel comfortable with. You can tell girls my favorite joke:

    “Do you know what girls in (insert your city/town/college) put behind their ears to attract guys?”

    -their ankles

  2. Just act regular and follow Rules 1 and 2: Be attractive and don’t be unattractive 👍😊

  3. Friendzone because you didn’t indicate romantic feelings early on isn’t a thing. Friendzone is just when you are interested in romance and she isn’t.

    If the girl is interested in anyway you won’t be friendzoned unless you give a bad impression of yourself. If you go the friends first route she will subtly let you know she is interested, that is if she is.

    PUA has erroneously told people if they are friends with a girl that will friendzone them, but that’s silly. Ask yourself have you never had a female who indicated she was interested even tho you only ever saw her as a friend? It happens all the time. Being friends doesn’t make romantic interest go away.

  4. The idea of the friend zone is ridiculous. If you want to date someone as opposed to just staying friends then flirt and see what response you get. If she flirts back ask her out. If she finds you attractive and wants to date you she’ll do it. If she doesn’t find you attractive or isn’t interested in dating anyone right now she won’t date you. That’s literally it. Nothing to do with putting you in a ‘friend zone’.

  5. Make your intentions clear, don’t try and agree with everything they say, have some of your own beliefs, and have boundaries.

  6. People have distorted what the friend zone initially meant. It’s original meaning was to put someone you find nice and or attractive but aren’t sure if you actually want to date on hold. The idea being that after a certain amount time with no better offers you would then date them. The friend zone was considered a socially acceptable way of keeping people you interested in close but no too close.

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