Title says it.

What objects should one invest in in his 20s that would make life easier ? (that being clothes, something for studies, an instrument or any other item small or large … )

  1. Mutual funds in a non retirement account. Used it when we bought our house at almost 30 and it was a huge head start.

  2. Definitely 100% an instrument or another hobby you enjoy. When you are 50-60, retired you will need sth to hold on to.

  3. I worked my ass off and bought the cheapest house I could find… it was an absolute shit hole. I spent a few years fixing it up, learning as a went and sold it. I did this a few times until I had built up enough equity to buy a really nice property with a dump of a house on it. Fixed up that house and now I have a nice home that is just about paid off.

    If your job has a 401k use it, especially if they match up to a certain percentage.

    Don’t get into the car loan cycle, just buy a used car with cash and drive it until the wheels fall off. The money you would of put into a payment add to a bank account… there is your next car and you never paid interest.

    Only use credit if you have the cash in the bank to pay it off… avoid debt.

    Pick a solid stock like Microsoft, Apple, s&p500… slowly add to it little by little and never touch it, leave it alone and let it do its thing.

    That’s what someone told me in my 20’s and that’s what I did… I’m in my 40’s, always worked a blue collar job and just about ready to retire 20yrs ahead of my friends.

  4. My one way ticket home from the country I was living in. Two kids later, I’m happily settled into family life.

  5. Your physique. It’s the best to to sculpt your physique. it’s much easier to maintain as you age then achieve as you age.

  6. Good earphone/headphones. I listen to music for about 9 hours a day while i work and itd drive me crazy to not have the music to listen to or listen to it in crummy headphones.

  7. Your social life.

    You’re only young once. There’s lots of time to make money after you hit thirty but less opportunity to have fun.

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