I (20F) have been seeing this girl (19F) very casually for about a week now. We’ve only known each other for a week and a couple days. We’ve been on two dates, things have been good, but I’ve been getting the impression that she’s more into me than I’m into her.

I’m still recovering from a breakup about a month ago (she knows this) and told her today that I’m not emotionally stable enough or ready to be in a real relationship right now. She was fine with that, and we agreed to keep it casual.

A few hours later, we were hanging out and cuddling, and she tells me she loves me. Now, I know I’m the first person in quite a while who’s actually treated her well, (she has a rather pain-filled history) but we’ve only known each other for a WEEK, and literally just agreed to be casual. So obviously I’m confused and surprised and I said as much.

She clearly felt really bad, she apologized several times, started crying, and ended up deciding to leave.

So now that y’all have context, I want to know, is this a red flag? I’m uncomfortable that she immediately broke a boundary I had set hours before, but I don’t think she meant any real harm and I’m tempted to give her another chance.

  1. I wouldn’t break up over it. She is just overwhelmed by how good it is to be with you compared to her past.

  2. Honestly I think it’s a huge red flag. This sounds like love bombing which usually isn’t a good sign. She knows you’re vulnerable from the breakup so I would communicate your boundaries to her and maybe not continue this if she continues to violate them.

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