My girl (30F) and I (26M) have been together coming up on 6 months… the last 2 weeks have been rough as our communication took a dive. Prior to this we were on cloud 9 and loving life. We sat down and talked about what we are liking and not liking and she basically told me that I’m not “checking her boxes”. No clue how we made it thus far and how this is just a bad period of time but I’m kinda confused.

She wanted some alone time to rethink things through in which I’m giving her alone time but has me worried this is the end. I told her I would come get my clothes out and she told me she wasn’t ready for that just yet but still leaves me mind boggled.

What do you guys think? Do you think this is the end? Or she truly just wants time?

  1. Your honeymoon trial of your relationship is over. The real version of a relationship has been installed.

    Jk. What were these “boxes” that were unchecked? Did she explicitly tell you what she wants in a partner or just make you assume to know what she wants?

  2. It no guarantee, but prepare yourself for the end of the relationship. That’s usually how these things go. Needing space / taking a break is just a prelude to a breakup. Start the grieving process now and do not reach out to her at all. Let her reach out to you, which will likely just be her giving you the boot.

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