We broke up about a year and a half ago but we have been in contact every so often.

When we initially broke up it was because we wouldn’t communicate what we’re were thinking and feeling. To add he told me, “that we are different”, “have nothing in common” and that I’m “not the one for him” which hurt because we’ve been talking for over a year and a half and have been together for 8 months.

After we broke up we would talk every so often when we would see each other on campus and then we would text, hangout, and hook up. This happened a couple of times until the last time I kindly kicked him out because I ordered Uber eats and wanted to eat by myself because he just wanted to hookup even though we said we were going to just hangout.

That lead to a couple of months without talking until he saw me at the store with my friends which he then reached out later that evening which I told him that we could hangout during the day but he told me that he’s busy during that time so I told him to reach out when he knows his schedule so we could catch up but never did so I never reached back out.

So I tried getting over him through blocking him on every social media platform. However, for the past couple of months he has been viewing my LinkedIn but never connecting with me.

Fast forward to today he was in the area and saw me on Grindr and reached out and now wants to be in a fwb. I do love him still but Ik that I became obsessive when I was with him and would literally wait around all day for him to text me or come over which was not good for me.

  1. >I do love him still but Ik that I became obsessive when I was with him and would literally wait around all day for him to text me or come over which was not good for me

    This sounds like a terrible way to begin a FWB situation. You’re just going to keep getting hurt.

    You blocked him for a reason, keep him blocked and dont set yourself up for heartache.

  2. Youre setting yourself up for failure and hurt if you let him back in while you two want different things.

  3. Block him on everything. All social media, your phone, etc. You know better. He uses you, and you let him. Tell him to fuck off or commit. If he doesn’t want to commit, then let him know you don’t want further contact.

  4. Don’t do it. It will end bad. You can’t go into a FWB situation with loving feelings for the other person. You will just end up heartbroken because for the ex, it’s not love.

    I end up in a 2 year situation like this. Trust me. It doesn’t have a happy ending.

  5. Bro, just no. She belongs to the streets and don’t get into a fwb relationship if you cant hang.

  6. You already know it’s not a good dynamic for you. Going into a FWB situation where you hope it turns into more is an awful idea. AND it’s with an ex where it already didn’t work out.

    I think you already know he’s not the one.

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