My ex (24f) and I (26m) broke up a month ago. One of the main reasons being she is unsure about kids. She told me that she feels guilty for being unsure about what she wants and she can’t bring me down the path figuring out what she wants.

I told her I was willing to wait and work on things with her but she said she would hate for me to resent her if she decides she doesnt want kids in the future.

I understand her position, but im so in love with this woman that I have no issue waiting because of how well we get along.

The other reason we broke up was because I acted distant since she wasnt sure about what she wanted. I distanced myself to protect myself from being hurt.

Over the weeks during our breakup we kept in contact. She admitted to me that she does want to try and work on things with me because she has seen changes I have made with being distant towards her, but is scared we will fall back into the same pattern.

I suggested no contact for the next while so she can sort out her confusion and let me know when she knows.

Im struggling with this because I want to work on things with her and it seems there is a part of her that wants to as well.

Was going no contact the right move? It feels like im pushing her away, but im just trying to give her space to sort her emotions out.

TLDR: Why is my ex saying she wants to try again with me but is scared and confused about what she wants.

  1. What would happen if she decides she doesnt want them? Would you still want to be together?

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