For context I live in a country where smoking weed is illegal and, although the general stance in my hometown is rather chill, my parents’ is not.

So I smoke weed occasionally (about once a week at most in safe places and always with other people) without my parents’ knowledge. The reason I haven’t told them is that their stance on weed is pretty negative. This is due to my uncles both being negatively effected by overusing weed, with one of them being admitted to a mental hospital as it caused him to have violent psychotic episodes. My mum is also an incredibly anxious and cautious person, and they both despise the smell of it. Weirdly, though, my mum has used before when she was younger although I have no further knowledge on her personal experiences with it. My dad, as far as I know, has never tried it and has mentioned a couple years ago that he wouldn’t go near it and advised I don’t either. There is also no way they would trust me interacting with any dealers, especially in my hometown.

One other thing worth mentioning is that alcoholism has been an equally large problem for our family however pretty much everyone still drinks (yes i know they’re not the same and one isn’t better than the other but I still think it’s worth mentioning).

I want to tell them that I do it because it feels awful when I go out and smoke but I’ve lied and said something else. I also want them to know I am safe and if something does go wrong then I can trust they can support me in the same way they would if I come home very drunk. But I am so anxious that they will react badly and cut support whilst I am at university for fear I will spend the money they give me on drugs when I only ever use my own savings to buy as and when.

TL;DR: How do I tell my parents who seem to be against smoking weed that I smoke it occasionally and in safe environments without them freaking out on me?

  1. The risk isn’t worth it. If you feel guilty about lying about smoking weed, then don’t smoke it. But I’d say they’ll probably not react well at all, especially if they’re supporting you through Uni and have a family history of addiction. They may feel they’re financially supporting a bad habit. I am sure every family member who had substance abuse problems started out thinking that it wasn’t so bad and you were only using infrequently and nothing bad would happen. Additionally, it’s illegal, so regardless of how one may feel about it, it could still get you into a lot of trouble.

    I’d really just say if you’re hellbent on smoking weed then keep it a secret. It’s very unlikely you’re going to get their approval. Regardless of if they approve or not, will that really change your drug use?

  2. There is absolutely no good way to tell them you are using weed.

    If you use weed to make it possible to “go out”, go see your doctor and see a therapist. You can be proscribed legal, cheaper (health care is great!), and more effective medication. It sounds like your reason for using is just dumb.

  3. >I live in a country where smoking weed is illegal

    so don’t do it.

    >There is also no way they would trust me interacting with any dealers

    do you know why that is.

    >I want to tell them that I do it because it feels awful when I go out and smoke but I’ve lied and said something else

    no you want them to be ok with you doing it so you don’t have to hide it from them and be paranoid about them finding out.

    trust me, I know.

    >I also want them to know I am safe

    but you aren’t, your talking to shady people and risking any potential future career you have.

    >hey will react badly and cut support whilst I am at university

    Omfg Boi your in university and your fucking around smoking weed in a country that it’s illegal in? do you have any idea what happens if you get caught. tell me what your studying cause if you fuck up even a little you are not getting a job in that field, ever. one little mark that lasts a lifetime. for what, a few hours of the munchies? a little paranoia and some giggles.

    yeah no shit your parents would be pissed, and they *should* be.

    cut it out. find a legal vice or better yet no vice at all, you have a headstart and are at uni, don’t waste it because you wanted to be high.

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