What’s the product you would rather pay extra for quality?

  1. Skincare.

    I don’t mean shelling out $100, but the difference between a $12 face cleanser and the $4 generic brand is massive.

  2. A mattress. Learned through plenty of back pain and discomfort that the poor man pays twice when it comes to a good mattress.

  3. Honestly, most things. I’d rather be intentional and spend more on a well thought out purchase than flippantly tossing money at a thing just because it strikes my fancy. Handbags, shoes, furniture, cookware… if I spend more upfront but they last a lifetime, then the investment is worth it. It’s hard to do, but I’m slowly learning!

  4. Food. It’s where we put the most money, time, and energy. Most pre-packaged/premade stuff tastes nasty af. We don’t buy loaves of bread, because it tastes like shit, we bake it. We spend extra time growing the food we can, because supermarket produce is about shipping and storage, not taste. I’d rather have one SMALL expensive, amazing steak than a large one with the texture of grilled shoe leather. I can make texture miracles with any cut of meat, even cheap ones, but it can’t be cooked any old way to do it. So yeah, food is where we put the effort.

  5. Shoes. Although, at the moment you can’t get decent shoes for £10, £50, or £250. It’s ridiculous how quickly my shoes wear out no matter how much I pay.

  6. Hair products, I’ve got big curly hair and it’s hard to find products that work for my hair. I don’t buy a lot of different products, but My gel alone costs $18 (this is relatively expensive to me).

  7. Shoes because I’ve had cheap shoes and they either hurt my feet badly or they break down very quickly

  8. Food and skincare. Compromising with what I eat and how I treat my skin is just wasting my money.

  9. Pretty much anything so long as it’s practical. Skincare, absolutely. Tires for my car, you bet. Good paint for the living room, ring it up.

  10. Clothes and shoes come to mind. I got tired of buying cheap stuff that goes in the trash after a few months and pivoted to fewer items that last longer.

  11. Anything where the body makes contact with earth.
    Beds & linen. Shoes & socks. Tyres.

    Skimp and somehow it will wreak havoc on your body.

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