Why do some people laugh when you try to say your opinion? Instead of understanding that people can have different opinions from them they’ll say things like “LMAO You’re Wrong!” Like I missed the part where something funny was said? Does anyone know why people do this?

  1. You’re probably hanging out with the wrong crowd. If they do not respect your opinion, you you should find more like minded people.

  2. Some people do it out of defending their own opinion which means dismissing, ridiculing or making fun of other people’s conflicting/contradictory opinions they deem as offensive towards their own.

    Some do it out of quick judgement without considering the opinion, this can make them close minded. These kinds of people are immature and certainly not people you’d want to hang around with.

    The laughter could imply they find your opinion ridiculous and nonsensical just because its different to theirs and they’re too stubborn to take it because of the mental walls they’ve built up.

  3. Because they have poor social skills and are rude. Particularly if it’s something they do regularly.

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