When you have sex, if you talk, is the “fuck me with your big cock”, “fuck this pussy”, etc? Or is it more subdued?

  1. One of my friends got really drunk and told me that her porn addicted ex once said “ eat my cum like it’s your only source of food“ as they were going at it.

    I shit myself laughing every time I think about it.

  2. For the women I’m with that do talk it’s exactly like porn where they will say things like “fuck my pussy” I don’t know if they would naturally say that or if they are trying to mimic what they see in porn. Or if they are just doing it because they think I like it.

  3. If only I could find porn that matches our dirty talk. It’s hard to find objectifying D/s dirty talk that doesn’t end up being degrading.

  4. My ex and I were so raunchy I’d laugh out loud. It was enough to make a porn star blush!

    So much…the whole sex talk thing – I think I am over it. I mean, what’s left to say once you’ve heard it all?

    …and that kinda sucks ya know?

  5. I don’t talk my wife talks about everything under the sun before sex. I can’t get her to stop sometimes. I finally tell her quiet and give me head please.

  6. We once discussed the whole sales and marketing strategy while having sex for full 30 minutes. We had to make a presentation about it the next day.

  7. Sure there’s dirty talk, but a lot of it is more affectionate, telling how much you love them, compliment their body and their actions…

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