What’s the most cringe first date you’ve ever had?

  1. Blind date with my wife. She knew a-priori that the husband half of the married couple setting us up was a creeper. I’m talking taking his wife to a strip club on their honeymoon (she said she was OK with it, but you could hear she wasn’t in her voice) type of guy. I was temporarily branded the friend of the creeper. She was paranoid enough that although she didn’t want to insult her friend she insisted on a double date.

    Creeper did not disappoint. Dude could not stop staring at her chest. I didn’t know a girl’s eyes were right there, did you?

    Luckily they split off fairly quickly to have a date night (seldom got babysitting for their kids). I was polite enough to ask if she wanted to go do something else. She decided she had nothing better to do and opted to continue (Clue: I didn’t stare at her chest).

    21+ years later still together.

    But that first .5-1 hour, mega cringe.

  2. I’m not sure this is cringe: but I went to pick up a girl for our first date and her dad gave me shit for showing up for his daughter in a pickup truck. I said eff off, I don’t need this shit and I left.

  3. Don’t know if it is cringe but deffo unusual and weird. Me and a girl that used to have classes together had really crazy ideas that mostly didn’t go for them and just left them as an idea. Some days after the exams we were to go out together and we had another of those crazy ideas. Buy many different brands of beer, pour them on cups with the name of each brand written underneath and drink one cup of each. Then proceed to guess which brand was each beer. After that we played beer pong. Great experience 10/10

  4. I’ve got a good one. This was peak COVID, 2020. I was newly single and dating on tinder. Everything was shut down, so I decided to invite this guy over my house to hangout (obviously NOT my smartest moment). I had talked to him on the phone, even FaceTimed, and he seemed okay, so I thought I was in the clear. He mentioned prior he was “slightly” allergic to cats, I have 2. He keeps pushing the time back a little. Red flag number 1, but I had already done my makeup and I didn’t have work the next day, so I decided to still let him come over around 730/8pm. He brings a bottle of wine. It was sealed. I open it and go to pour us each a glass when he says he doesn’t drink….okay. We sit in my living room and start to talk. He immediately starts talking about his ex which whom he shares a then 2 year old daughter, absolutely shit talking her to no end, claiming “she still wants him” and “all his exes come back”. He tells me straight out he has 2 arrests for DV, but that he was framed and she was trying to take his daughter away. He then proceeds to start sneezing, saying his allergy is worse than he thought and if I was going to be with him then I would need to get rid of my cats. Nope, last red flag. I yawn and say I’m exhausted. He says “okay, let’s go to bed.” I tell him no, I was going to go to bed and he was going to leave. He insists on staying. I say “no” again. I tell him I don’t do that on the first date, he says “we can just cuddle, c’mon!” I tell him “no” about five more times until he FINALLY takes the hint and leaves.

    Up until just 2 months ago he was still making up numbers and trying to add me on social media saying he missed me. I never saw this man again and our only “date” lasted less than 30 minutes before I threw him out. Some weird shit happened following this date, including some instances of stalking and putting my garbage cans in front of my driveway so I have to get out and move them to pull in at night.


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